Mass Effect playthrough, which class?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
So, my partner and I are going to play through these, all 3. She's never played them, I'll be doing most of the actual playing of the game, but we'll both have input into what goes on and have like episodes.

So, what class?
I always preffered to play as soldier or vanguard, in all 3. Watch a couple of vids and get a feel for the different classes.
I played through Mass Effect 6 or 7 times for the many outcomes and endings, playing as good characters and bad characters etc, it's my all time favourite game/trilogy. Without a shadow of a doubt, full Biotic was easily my most enjoyable, and playing at the hardest difficulty as well. Starting out will be rough, but the reward and fun you have as you see your powers improve is massively satisfying. You can really control the battlefield with them, do not be frightened of only using pistol as your powers are way more superior. Playing as a Biotic makes the combat way more tactical and enjoyable in my opinion.
I played through Mass Effect 6 or 7 times for the many outcomes and endings, playing as good characters and bad characters etc, it's my all time favourite game/trilogy. Without a shadow of a doubt, full Biotic was easily my most enjoyable, and playing at the hardest difficulty as well. Starting out will be rough, but the reward and fun you have as you see your powers improve is massively satisfying. You can really control the battlefield with them, do not be frightened of only using pistol as your powers are way more superior. Playing as a Biotic makes the combat way more tactical and enjoyable in my opinion.

Ooooooo, good feedback, I always play as engineer or my normal fave, vanguard.

I think my partner will pick up the playstyle fairly fast.

Full biotic it is then :D EDIT: Do you mean the Sentinel or Adept?

Can't wait. We don't have Sky or any crap TV. So will be fun having the 2 hours a night sunk into a game together, progressing through one of my all time favorite trilogies. I reckon she will love the story behind it.
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If you haven't already, go and get the Mass Effect mods most importantly MEUITM to massively improve the textrues of the game.


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I play as infiltrator (sniper). Not the most effective (biotics are OP), but that's what I like. I'm a Borderlands/Zer0 kind of guy.

Sniper is also pretty OP. I did have a sniper playthrough on Hardcore, was a fun way to play at the start but gets very boring pretty quickly as it's just stay way back from the fight and play for headshots. It's good for one playthrough, but really one dimensional.
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The soldier is probably the easiest for a newbie as you have full access to the range of weapons and armour. But biotic has a great ability where you can put enemies into stasis and shoot them whilst they are frozen.
My personal favourite was the Vanguard (Biotic/Combat) class.

Had some cool combos in ME2/3 if I recall. :)
I always play as that half psychic/half soldier class, forgot it's name. Failing that a soldier, some of the assault rifles you get later on melt everything.
Vanguard for most difficulties. Charge and nova are beyond devastating, OP combo really. Infiltrator on the hardest setting to pack a massive punch to enemies when cloaked.
I was always a Sentinel in single player. Nice balance of abilities and can take a lot more punishment. Loved playing Vanguards in ME3 multiplayer though. Nova was a fun ability.
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