Mass Effect playthrough, which class?

I managed to keep everyone alive first playthrough on ME2. Was well pleased with that. Had to play through the final level again, though, just because it's so awesome.
I actually stopped playing when I realised that I'd made a mistake waaay back in the game that stopped me keeping everyone alive for the final mission. Worth googling it if that's your aim, it was soul destroying when I found out, haven't had the heart to do another playthrough yet.
I've always said that I think the Suicide mission is one of the best pieces of gaming ever imo, but honestly I think it has so much more weight, and drama to it if at least one squad member dies...Now when I play it I engineer it so someone dies.

Yeah, Jacob you are going through those pipes mate!
Just read about picking certain crew members as team leaders
to avoid some deaths. I picked Jack to spite Miranda as I was still ****ed off that she wasn't interested in me (female shepherd).
Guess there is a moral there about playing with your head and not emotion. :D
Just completed ME3, have to say I found ME1 and ME2 much more enjoyable, ME3 didnt seem to sit right, I cant quite put my finger on it but felt like I was just slogging it out -Still great trilogy, and worth playing!
The multiplayer part was the best thing about ME3. I was glued to that for just over a year solid. They had all sorts of weekly tasks and challenges so it kept you coming back. Hoping they do a repeat performance with ME:Andromeda.
Well there we are, just finished my playthrough and chose the
destroy the reapers ending.

Although I've got the Extended Cut installed I was still only offered the two choices - thought that gave more options. Of course I never touched the multiplayer (isn't that all but dead anyway) so you can never get to 100% readiness. It's about time EA patched out that element, which was always controversial anyway as not everyone is interested in online play.

Anyhow cue the closing scenes and that music, swear a couple of tears rolled down my cheek. 55 year old bloke and a computer game makes me blab like a baby. But it is really that powerful and can't wait to start another playthrough, learning from all the places I went wrong on the last one.
People absolutely slate the ending, but I didn't think it was too bad. Not even the short one.

I had 3 options at the end, but I'd absolutely nailed an ultra-paragon playthrough of each chapter.

Playing through all three is still the best gaming experience around IMO.
It is possible to end up with all the choices at the end without touching the multiplayer. I did a full Renegade playthrough (with all DLC) and without ever launching the multiplayer, and still had all the choices.

I have to agree with you Bonjour, playing through all three games back to back is a unique and rewarding experience. As for the ending, it could have been handled better but I felt it was the choices made along the way that shaped how ME3 played even before you got to the end. If you have the Extended Cut and Leviathan DLCs this makes the ending much more tolerable too.
I've got to Ilos on my latest femshep renegade playthrough. Spent last night finding the last of the Prothean data disks and Salarian medallions before I head over to Ilos.
I'm replaying Mass Effect 1 again now as a Vanguard. Just realised Leroy Jenkins being killed in the first mission when he runs in and dies :D
Just finished the ME2 section of my re-run after a (brief, as it turns out) pause to do Deus Ex MK. Doing it as renegade FemShep who for some reason couldn't romance Tali (is she only available to MaleShep), then horrified to lose three possibly four crew members during the suicide mission. All loyalty missions done, must have forgotten to talk to some of them prior to the finale.

Anyhow now starting into ME3, the main objective this time being to secure the Quarian/Geth peace accord.
Just finished the ME2 section of my re-run after a (brief, as it turns out) pause to do Deus Ex MK. Doing it as renegade FemShep who for some reason couldn't romance Tali (is she only available to MaleShep), then horrified to lose three possibly four crew members during the suicide mission. All loyalty missions done, must have forgotten to talk to some of them prior to the finale.

Anyhow now starting into ME3, the main objective this time being to secure the Quarian/Geth peace accord.

Good luck with that last bit. There are some mission outcomes that are critical to achieving peace between the Geth and Quarians.
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