Mass Effect TV Show (Amazon :D)

I'm not sure if the budget concerns are an issue given how much money is thrown at things, I'm more concerned about whether the people in charge of the money will be competent.
When the cut-scene game movies for individual games last almost 24 hours each, I don’t think a 2 hour movie would do it justice…
You could easily do the story of the first game in a film. It's obviously not a 24 hour story. Hell you wouldn't need 24 hours to tell the whole trilogy.
You could easily do the story of the first game in a film. It's obviously not a 24 hour story. Hell you wouldn't need 24 hours to tell the whole trilogy.

Then it’s the same issue all TV adaptations of games have - telling the story in enough detail along with lore and world building.

Or, it’s just Shephard seducing a different character in each episode.

I remember Henry Caville teasing this a few years back, then it getting shelved.

As a massive fan of ME, I would absolutely love to see it get developed into a series. However, we have already had ME (of sorts) in the form of The Expanse. It's got a lot of similarities, and we all know the reason that was initially cancelled was due to the massive budget required to do it justice - ME would be potentially even more difficult due to the various alien races they'd also need to portray.

I won't hold my breath we'll ever see it.
I remember Henry Caville teasing this a few years back, then it getting shelved.

As a massive fan of ME, I would absolutely love to see it get developed into a series. However, we have already had ME (of sorts) in the form of The Expanse. It's got a lot of similarities, and we all know the reason that was initially cancelled was due to the massive budget required to do it justice - ME would be potentially even more difficult due to the various alien races they'd also need to portray.

I won't hold my breath we'll ever see it.
That's true, if they cancelled Expanse, which was fantastic and had a solid source material behind it. Doesn't give high hopes they can pull off ME :(
The alien races won't be that hard tbh, the Asari can be done with good old prosthetics, like wise the Turians, the Salarians, the Quarians, the Vorcha etc, the only races that will pose a problem will be the likes of the Elcor, the Hanar, the Rachni, they will need to be CGI'd, to my mind the biggest problem will be the show runner, if you can get some one in who's knowledgeable & passionate about ME, like the folks behind the Fallout series, then i think they can make a real go of it because ME lends itself to an episodic tv series more than it does a movie.
Can't wait for the Writer(s) to come out and say they've never played the games and want to do their own take on the universe rather than just re-hashing the games storyline. Which would be wrong. I suspect they will also do a male lead, despite FemShep having better voice acting and lines in all three games. Wonder who they'll get? I could see Katie Sackhoff as FemShep, not sure about the dude, never played him at all.
It's the toughest decision, they've been very careful up to this point to keep Shephard either male or female. Femshep definitely has the best voice actor but obviously that is irrelevant for an adaptation. Also other decisions like do they do romance? Which one? That decision is probably going to anger a lot of people when their favourite romance is ignored etc. I wonder if they'd consider ignoring Shephard completely and making a different character for the lead.
Hey I’m down for a bit of girl on girl action. Think I ended up with the lunatic Jack as Miranda only liked penis on my Femshep play through!!
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