Last part of the water block painted to blend better with the other parts, until the lighting is completed I'm not sure if the screws
I left black on a couple of bits will stay black or if I will change them to white/blue.
Once I got the GPU and fitted the waterblock I could start to plan the wiring and tubing, one important part of the build I wanted to happen was zero wires visible
for a very clean look and to keep in line with the Tron theme.
The biggest thing I had to cover was the main motherboard PSU socket and wires, made one by cutting and bending some clear acrylic followed
by some white wrap.
Taped together until the glue was set, used some clear just encase I decide to have the cover lit.
The next ugly wire in need of a cover was the GPU PCI-E.
On to my first time with PETG hard tube, the one im using for this build is EK-HD PETG 2/16mm
It's a lot more easy to work with (cutting and bending) than the normal acrylic hard tube and the only notable difference is slightly less shine
when I have them side by side.
Didn't order enough tube so until the extra tube arrives I moved on to the wiring and switches, only having 2 main switches for the Tron lighting, EL Tape / EL Wire, the other parts will by remote only.
I did try with some ring light switches as I have used on a couple of other builds, but the light just didn't look that great with the Tron design so went with plan switches.
The switches can be placed/move to any of the 2x bays at the top of the case, for now there in the top slot.
The 2
*inverters are from EL Wire&tape AKA wirecraft,
*the small one if from China, apart from the size you can also feel the deference in quality.
Switches are now connected to the inverters and working a treat.
Now I just have to add the last tube, fill with water to check all is well then play with the water colours I got from EK, and some other finaly touches.
Also my good freind Marco at
*F3nix Mods is
*cutting me some last minuet logos. Thank you mate
So very soon after the Christmas break the project should be completed, I'm looking forward to testing out the 1080 mostly, especially with some VR games.
Have A Great Christmas & Fantastic New Year!
Rob (deblow) Deluce