Today I will post what final photos I can, might take me a couple of days due to the slow
server i'm using for the photos..
I do plan to upload a lot of photos but I will try split them best I can.
Really want to show the case under all lighting conditions and with as many options
as possible covered to help answer questions before you even ask
There's always someone that asks, but what's it look like in the daylight, what if it gets wet! ???
I know you will have already seen the paintwork if you followed the the log but I have done some extra buffing and a nice wax
polish to protect one of the hardest paint jobs I ever attempted and my first ever proper style airbrush, not perfect but better than I expected tbh
So, 1st photo is one I put together with the sponsors listed to show some respect.
stuck mini Tron in there also, cos he's cute.
white Tron is deep within my bike shed but I will dig it our at a later date for full family shoot lol
Very happy with the internal layout and colour, I had used some other colours and tube directions but went with this one for a couple of reasons I
will go over when I post the older photos (test shots)
MINI and big Tron..
(very low light)
(LED kitchen lighting on)
I will mention the lighting now and then so you better understand how the case lighting and paintwork are reacting under them conditions.
Hope this will be useful to some of you.
The front disc is removable, should be some photos up later showing with and without the disc.
Reflection looks better than real life :O
thanks to the spot lights messing with my hand..
Like the sides, the front is also removable.