Mastermind - The life and career of Ayrton Senna

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton
Did anyone see this tonight? Didn't realise it was on until my dad sent me a text telling me. I got 7 (:/) - how many can you get without cheating?

*1 - What nickname was Senna generally known as to his family and friends?
*2 - Senna first drove an F1 car at Donington in 1983, which car was he driving?
3 - With which Brazilian driver did Senna lodge with in his early years of living in England?
4 - With which F3 team did he race with in his only season in 1983?
*5 - What was the comic book launched by Senna designed to help deprived children in Brazil?
*6 - With which British driver did Senna fight with for the British Formula 3 title in 1983, securing the title at the final race?
7 - In which race did Senna score his first F1 points in 1984, finish in 6th?
*8 - After a collision at the 1987 Belgian Grand Prix, to whom was Senna referring when he said "when a man has you by the throat, I don't think he's come to apologise"?
9 - Senna partnered Stefan Johannson and Henri Pescarolo at the Nurburgring 1000km in 1984, driving which car?
*10 - How many pole positions did he obtain throughout his F1 career?
11 - Who was his team-mate at Lotus in 1986?
12 - During the 1984 championship, Senna missed 2 races - he was suspended from the Italian Grand Prix, which other race did he miss?
*13 - At which corner at the Imola circuit did Senna crash, causing his fatal accident?

* = question I got right. Lets see if you can get them all, and if you did see it, please don't ruin it :)
I got all except 12!

I couldn't remember it either without checking.

Wonder how many people get #11 - the OP didn't, and I can sort of see why as the name is right out of left-field. He was a former F3 champ (and at the time future Le Mans winner) mind, so not entirely without talent.
And his name contained another name related to racing a Mallock and I seem to remember working for Mclaren and none of you will know that! :)
Wonder how many people get #11 - the OP didn't, and I can sort of see why as the name is right out of left-field. He was a former F3 champ (and at the time future Le Mans winner) mind, so not entirely without talent.

I'm useless on remembering anything to do with F1 before about 1995. Couple of those were actually quite tricky, especially trying to answer them before the contestant, he was super quick so I think I did well to get 7 :o
Wow, mine are probably Ronnie Petersons death being announced.

And my earliest memories are somewhere between those of you two. As a fully concious being able to take much onboard and keep it there - the '88 season (with the stand-out quite obviously being Monza). But I certainly have flashes of races in '87 that aren't replays and reviews I saw later on.

For example, though I've seen it many a time over the years I don't remember seeing Mansell lose that tyre at Adelaide in '86 on live TV. I'd turned three years old three days before the race was held. But I do seem to recall Mansell versus Piquet at Silverstone in '87 on the TV about 9 months later. To be honest, most of my very strong early memories of F1 involve Mansell!
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