Jazz said:
I'm sorry if this sounds wrong but you can never trust one of these Italian players, like Fergie once said "When an Italian tells me its pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure"
The Italian league is great to watch and I'm sure the Italian people are a nice bunch in general but these defenders will at times stoop very low to gain any advantage they can.
So your basing your entire opinion of Italian players on just Materazzi?
So how do you explain the many other Italian players who are no different to many of the players you admire?
Are you now calling Cannavaro a cheat? How about Nesta? Zambrotta? Grosso? Oddo? Maldini? Baresi? Costacurta? ect;
Do you see how your comment is flawed? You critisise Italian players and bundle them all in the same bag as Materazzi.
You cannot generalise an entire nation based upon the actions of one person.
I agree that Materazzi is no saint. But neither is Zidane.
And i refuse to belive that you yourself are nieve enough to think that its just Materazzi that trys to put off opposition players, when its also happening on your own doorstep!
As you have said in your post, some people dont react to anything, some react to everything.
I sit in between, 99% of things dont bother me, but what sets me off is people on this forum making sweeping generalisations about the Italian people, its football and culture, with little to no basis for argument at all.
I apologise if any of this post is insulting to you Jazz, as from experiance, i know that you rarely, if ever, aim to insult with a post. So i'll put it down as an oversight.
Back to topic...
Regardless of provocation, Zidane shouldnt have reacted how he did. That for me isnt really open for debate.
Whatever Materazzi said to him however, is another matter.
If it was racially aimed comment, then yes, Materazzi should be banned for a few games/fined/whatever.
But, as its clear from what Zidane said that its not, and is infact a comment about his family, then im sorry, he should know better.
It was a comment designed to stir him up, put him off the game, and it worked. He shouldnt have reacted.
If he wanted a reaction from Materazzi, he should have waited till after the game, and confronted Materazzi about it.
If Materazzi admitted that it was just a ploy to put him off and apologised, then fair do's, im sure Zidane would understand. But if Materazzi didnt apologise, then yes, by all means, belt him!