Materazzi Insult to Zidane.

ZZ at it again.......


Haven't posted in this thread but regardless of what was said on the pitch.....ZZ blew it big time....No excuses.....Could have waited for Materazzi in the tunnel if he had to lamp him that badly :o
Moonpie2 said:
As far as I am concerned there is no sentance on earth that should make a proffessional footballer, a captain, a grown man, a role model, an experienced athlete react like that infront of one billion people.

Racism, xenophobia, insulting the dead, who cares... Zidane should have known they were just words designed to get a rise out of him.
And he fell for it like a school child.

Well done Zidane, you may have lost your country the world cup on your last game :rolleyes:

Errrrrr Sorry to say but I think your wrong.

I for one am not a violent person and dont condone any violence what so ever but if I was a football player and a fellow player said to me something about my mother, father, auntie and another close relative all being killed in the same car crash in 1982 when I was 6 years old I would have headbutted him in the face and then stamped on his head.

I would not of cared less if 2 people or 2 billion was watching.

Yes I know they are only words but when someone has a pop at your loss, race, whatever else and you feel strongly about it, I think you have every right to mess them up in any way you feel resonable.. If what the Italian said to ZZ is true then the Italian got what he deserved.
For all you who think that Zidane did the right thing at the right time let me put you on the spot.

You are at work and all your bosses are around you besides all the other workers.
Some prat comes up to you and insults you which no one else hears.

Do you -

A) be amazed and decide to deal with it later outside?
B) decide to beat the guy in front of everybody with the likelyhood of being sacked and also knowing you could be in court for doing such things?
C) (what I would do) Shout back at him "What did you say to me, what did you call my mother and sister, do you want to repeat that to everybody in here?" etc
I would pick A because if I do retaliate chances are I would be sacked etc. But for Zidane, the circumstances are totally different, he won't be sacked and he won't be taken to court. Therefore I think he did the right thing.
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To be honest I am sick of the Zidane apologists. He acted like a thug and that behaviour is never acceptable in a professional sport. The "he said something about my mum and sister" is quite frankly the most childish excuse I have heard since junior school. I love the way everyone is trying to turn the incident round to the person he physically assaulted.

The game of Football has enough problems with violent conduct of its so called supporters. We tell them not to fight no matter how they are provoked. Then we turn around and say its almost acceptable to physically attack someone if its racial or about your family.
My mum and dad was killed in a car crash when I was young.. Sorry but I would go nuts..

Dont take this the wrong way but if you was in the situation I was you most likley do the same...

just for fun. (might been popsted somewhere on here before but couldnt find anything on the search(
Gilly said:
I don't believe anyone that says B.

I don't believe anyone could be that mind-numbingly dense.
My mind will probably explode now, but i agree with Gilly there. :p

The intelligent option would be C. Or if your a keyboard warrior, A.
God only knows what i would do! Ive done some rash things before in my life. I would never be able to comment on how i would react to something being said to me.

However, when i was headbutted by some chav bird i did manage to kill the urge to punch her in the face, instead i mearly grabed her by the throat, at which stage her midget friend jumped in (or should i say up) and bit me on the arm. :eek: :D
Gilly said:
I don't believe anyone that says B.

I don't believe anyone could be that mind-numbingly dense.

Some people are very sensitive about certain issues. I have known people who you can insult all day long, say the worst things you can imagine and it is like water off a ducks back. Some however the slightest thing and they want blood. If somebody insulted my mother while she was in hospital I sure wouldn't just walk away, maybe you would but I wouldn't.

I also think the question is silly. Zidane had been playing for 110mins, he isn't physically able to cope with games like he used to so I'm sure he is probably struggling as it is and then on top of that somebody says something which must have been quite serious, I wouldn't be suprised if he was racially abused. I also think that some here can never truly understand what it means to be racially abused. I'm sorry if this sounds wrong but you can never trust one of these Italian players, like Fergie once said "When an Italian tells me its pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure" ;) The Italian league is great to watch and I'm sure the Italian people are a nice bunch in general but these defenders will at times stoop very low to gain any advantage they can. Here it is cheating, there it is gamesmanship. Zidane took the bait and he should have known better but I am on his side here........

Here is the interview in a bit more detail, these quotes stand out to me a lit

That is when he said some very hard words, which were harder than gestures. He repeated them several times. It all happened very quickly and he spoke about things which hurt me deep down.
Do you imagine that in a World Cup final like that, with just 10 minutes to go to the end of my career, I am going to do something like that because it gives me pleasure?
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Zidane did not do the right thing that's for sure.

If it meant that much to him he should have waited till after the game and splattered Matterazi's nose across his face in the tunnel on the way in, having hopefully won the world cup retired from football and have nothing at all to lose.

We'll never know for sure but if what has been reported as being said is right i can see where the reaction came from.
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Jazz said:
I'm sorry if this sounds wrong but you can never trust one of these Italian players, like Fergie once said "When an Italian tells me its pasta on the plate I check under the sauce to make sure" ;) The Italian league is great to watch and I'm sure the Italian people are a nice bunch in general but these defenders will at times stoop very low to gain any advantage they can.
So your basing your entire opinion of Italian players on just Materazzi?
So how do you explain the many other Italian players who are no different to many of the players you admire?
Are you now calling Cannavaro a cheat? How about Nesta? Zambrotta? Grosso? Oddo? Maldini? Baresi? Costacurta? ect;
Do you see how your comment is flawed? You critisise Italian players and bundle them all in the same bag as Materazzi.
You cannot generalise an entire nation based upon the actions of one person.

I agree that Materazzi is no saint. But neither is Zidane.
And i refuse to belive that you yourself are nieve enough to think that its just Materazzi that trys to put off opposition players, when its also happening on your own doorstep!

As you have said in your post, some people dont react to anything, some react to everything.
I sit in between, 99% of things dont bother me, but what sets me off is people on this forum making sweeping generalisations about the Italian people, its football and culture, with little to no basis for argument at all.

I apologise if any of this post is insulting to you Jazz, as from experiance, i know that you rarely, if ever, aim to insult with a post. So i'll put it down as an oversight. :)

Back to topic...
Regardless of provocation, Zidane shouldnt have reacted how he did. That for me isnt really open for debate.
Whatever Materazzi said to him however, is another matter.
If it was racially aimed comment, then yes, Materazzi should be banned for a few games/fined/whatever.
But, as its clear from what Zidane said that its not, and is infact a comment about his family, then im sorry, he should know better.
It was a comment designed to stir him up, put him off the game, and it worked. He shouldnt have reacted.
If he wanted a reaction from Materazzi, he should have waited till after the game, and confronted Materazzi about it.
If Materazzi admitted that it was just a ploy to put him off and apologised, then fair do's, im sure Zidane would understand. But if Materazzi didnt apologise, then yes, by all means, belt him!
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I've heard Materazzi pinched Zidane's nipple, pulled his shirt, told him he was crap, swore at him continually, racially abused him, insulted his mum, his sister and his baldness..

Zidane took this all on the chin, it was only when Materazzi suggested Zidane was only good enough anymore for Spurs that Zizou turned round and gave him a headbutt. :D

Yes, I am a Gooner. ;)
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