Because there are 511,111 digits, which means 85185 numbers remaining, since your sequence is nothing more than a number line.
So what you need is the 85185th number, which you quite rightly said is 185184 (I got it wrong, I guess).
This number will have six digits.
The fraction, 0.16r is one sixth.
So the digit you are looking for will be the 85185th number (185184), and then you go along one sixth of this number, to find your digit, which is still 8.
So what you need is the 85185th number, which you quite rightly said is 185184 (I got it wrong, I guess).
This number will have six digits.
The fraction, 0.16r is one sixth.
So the digit you are looking for will be the 85185th number (185184), and then you go along one sixth of this number, to find your digit, which is still 8.