Matte vs Glossy Screens Which Is Better

Matte all the way for a laptop for me. Have both a HP with glossy screen and a Lenovo with matte - matte is so much better all rounder. Also if its a business laptop I prefer matte personally. Have to make sure the HP screen is angled correctly to avoid glare, Lenovo not so much, less hassle at the airport or different hotels when travelling.
I've screwed the screen up already, I can't believe it! The end of the USB cable from my mouse swung round as I went to plug it in, hit the screen, and has left a mark. It's small, but I know it's there.

Fortunately a new screen is only £49 and it looks easy enough to replace. Not sure if I'll bother just yet though, they look even cheaper in Canada so I might get one when I get there.
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