A few people have put quads in sugos and had no massive temps to worry about. average overclock seems to be about 3.2.
I will probably get a quad in my sugo when get time and have no worries about temps as there are a few good cooling methods about.
I'm concerned when my sugo hits 60 on load, as all the heat is going out via the psu. As I said thats hot, but if you want to keep using it, its your pc
lol lsg1r save the rolleyes these chips are rated a lot higher, systems sound and in no danger of blowing up or melting, just interested in peoples idle temps and what sort of clocks there running
That sounds about right, however when most of us talk about temps under load we mean using Prime 25.4 and Coretemp which you can download here
That way we are all talking about the same temps, as things like EasyTune aren't measuring the core temperatures in the same way and are about 15 degrees out.
Could you try those programs and post a screenshot? Thanks!
hey Kezmo m8 what mobo did you go with in the end?
cool thanks for the reply Kezmo
i might go for it if i go intel 1 day. unless there gonna make a 38 matx board