Max's Training Log - 2014


Workout 1/Week 7


87.5kg 4 reps
90kg 3 reps
92.5kg 2 reps

Bench feeling pretty good, 100kg should rear its head around Christmas time.

Pendlay Rows

72.5kg 6 reps
72.5kg 6 reps
72.5kg 6 reps

Some other upper body stuff.


Did a 20 mile bike road on Sunday so quads are a bit tender still :o
PT session tonight comprised of

Safety bar squats, paused and non paused, worked up to 95kg.

Snatch grip RDLs S/S with lying leg curls.

Prowler runs.

Finished with some hyper extensions.

Aiming for a squat PB around new year, 150kg would be nice.

Workout 2/Week 8

Paused Squat

97.5kg 4 reps/2 second pause
100kg 3 reps/3 second pause
102.5kg 2 reps/4 second pause


120kg 3 reps
120kg 2 reps
130kg 1 rep

Stopped at 130 today, felt pretty fatigued as I felt a bit off yesterday, big bike ride tomorrow too.


72.5kg 10 reps 2 second negative
72.5kg 10 reps 2 second negative

Finished off with some leg extensions and elevated front foot split squats...

Workout 1/Week 9


Warmups many reps
90kg 5 reps
92.5kg 3 reps
95kg 1 rep
100kg 1 rep
102.5 fuuu

100kg felt so good yet 102.5 didn't wanna go, got stuck at the bottom as you can see here!

Brb beheading myself :p

Pendlay Rows

60kg 6 reps
60kg 6 reps
60kg 6 reps

I find going much heavier than this my form breaks down and get zero activation.

Did another 25 mile ride over the weekend with another one planned tomorrow.

Priorities seem to be Food>Cycling>Lifting at the moment :o

Next years log I predict will be the usual cut/bulk twatting around with 5/3/1 and lots of cycling!

100kg bench, 140kg squat, 200 DL minimums would be nice before I go on holiday in Feb.
Post Christmas massacre workout.


Workout no idea/Week 9?


Warmup stuff

Blimey, PR I think. I push pressed the first rep to get it up then did 3 reps, that counts :p

Wide Grip Chins

BW 5 reps

Did 4 sets of these.


75kg 5 reps
77.5kg 5 reps
80kg 5 reps

Did some DB rows and a bit more tricep stuff to finish.
60*3? Nice.

Very nice. :cool:

One way to get around the lack of stretch reflex with the first rep is to start with the bar high, or higher and let it sink down a bit.

However, PP is how I would do it, too. :D

5/3/1 Test Week




Nice to get 10 reps, focused on getting super tight and a couple of the later reps felt perfect so I know my form has lots of room for improvement.

Going back to 5/3/1 for a bit so will sort my log out for 2015.

Did some deadlifts on the weekend, working set was 150*6
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