I recently build a new PC, and I bought a new 144hz 1440p monitor, but due to delays on getting a 5000 series AMD CPU I was using the new monitor on my old build.
I didn't take notice of the FPS too much, was getting around 72fps average in PUBG (yes some on you will have clocked what I'm going to say just from this lol), anyway my old monitor was 60hz, so I figured that was just more or less what my old PC could run PUBG at uncapped past 60.
New build done, all be it same graphics card ported over, run PUBG, getting about 72 FPS, figure, well...... Same GPU some settings, probably was capped by GPU anyway, so didn't think much more of it.
Letting my nearly 3 year old mess about on Rocket League watching him play, Hmmmmmm also 72fps...... Now I'm thinking, that's wierd, surely even at 1440p, my brand new 5800x CPU and 1070 graphics card should be pushing more frames then that........
Quickle google, I would have never known...... In the Nvidia settings, in v-sync there are several options, apparently, with v-sync "on" it caps your FPS to 72 (half of 144 doh!) If it can't constantly hit 144. I set it to "fast" loaded Rocket League back up and boom 144fps, almost solid, no tearing.
Can't wait to get back on PUBG and give it a spin.
I didn't take notice of the FPS too much, was getting around 72fps average in PUBG (yes some on you will have clocked what I'm going to say just from this lol), anyway my old monitor was 60hz, so I figured that was just more or less what my old PC could run PUBG at uncapped past 60.
New build done, all be it same graphics card ported over, run PUBG, getting about 72 FPS, figure, well...... Same GPU some settings, probably was capped by GPU anyway, so didn't think much more of it.
Letting my nearly 3 year old mess about on Rocket League watching him play, Hmmmmmm also 72fps...... Now I'm thinking, that's wierd, surely even at 1440p, my brand new 5800x CPU and 1070 graphics card should be pushing more frames then that........
Quickle google, I would have never known...... In the Nvidia settings, in v-sync there are several options, apparently, with v-sync "on" it caps your FPS to 72 (half of 144 doh!) If it can't constantly hit 144. I set it to "fast" loaded Rocket League back up and boom 144fps, almost solid, no tearing.
Can't wait to get back on PUBG and give it a spin.