MBP 13" Questions

It will get better over time too, I plan the following upgrades - probably in this order:

  • Snow Leopard
  • SSD
  • 4GB RAM

Should be a good little workhorse for the next few years. :)

I'm planning similar with my new 13", but will prob do the RAM before the SSD, that way they might be a little cheaper..... it's looking like 2010 will be the year of the SSD....
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Only reason I plan to go SSD before RAM is to try one out - I've heard such good things about them. As soon as I can get a decent 64GB drive for < £100 I'm gonna go for it (ever since I discovered Spotify I have much less demand for HD space). 4GB of RAM would be nice, but 2GB is fine for what I need. I run my main desktop (Windows7/2GB RAM) with memory intensive apps and it is perfectly fine.

I probably wouldn't notice a performance improvement with extra RAM, but I'd hope to do so with an SSD.
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