me and friend...lancashire vs yorkshire

6 Oct 2004
Hey guys

i have a friend whos from oldham (lancashire) who i go to college with (TRAVELS ALL THE WAY TO HUDDERSFIELD :o )

anyway, we always have a laugh teasing each other about it, she calls me a farmer etc because im from yorkshire...and i laugh at her accent etc lol

Anyway, i have no material on lancashire, so anyone care to give me some lol
Yorkshire all the way

Yorkshire all the way.
- Beautiful country sides
- Vibrant city centres
- Everything you need in Yorkshire
<=== This guy (eXSBass) Was born there
dmpoole said:
The only thing I know about Yorkshire is that its in Leeds and my wife and Gilly were born there.


leeds is IN yorkshire, not the other way round :p

Im yee old yorkshire born and bread
Lancashire is on the wrong side of the penines.

You can tell that you are approaching lancashire due to the wall of rain that surrounds it.

Lancashire is still in black and white.
Cookie-Monster said:
Lancashire > Yorkshire. end of story.
Quoted for the absolute truth.

Although Im sure there a few people from Bolton with six fingers and webbed feet :p
I was born in Essex but moved to Yorkshire when I was 2/3 and lived there until I was 11/12 when I moved back to Essex.

Yes, Yorkshire is a beautiful place but you will not find anywhere as boring or less vibrant. Let's take Hull for an example - voted the worst place to live in UK.
I think Milton was close, there was a countdown for 10 best places to live and the 10 worst places. The best place was somewhere just outside London IIRC, I can't remember the name though.

Did anyone else watch this programme? It was about half a year ago.
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