Me gusta le hypertrophy

25 Sep 2006

A brief summary year to date:

January to Feb:
Finishing a half hearted HST cycle, looking back I was almost certainly not eating enough to effectively grow, probably around the 2500 calorie mark on average.

February to March:
6 weeks DC/Doggcrap training – good strength gains but not eating enough due to being a little unsatisfied with my weight & bodyfat!(A relatonship does that to a man) I got on well with this program and liked the training style. Quite low volume meant workouts were quick (but by no means easy) which can be useful when other priorities get in the way of training. Rest pause was a refreshing approach, post set stretching has its benefits and widowmakers are gruesome. :cool:

March to June:
I cut down from just under 95KG to just under 85KG using CBL/CNS and carb cycling a long side a push/pull split. I didn’t train as wisely as I could have in terms of retaining strength which is a shame but won’t take long to recover hopefully.

Now I’m on a quest to regain some of my strength previously lost and also stack on some size. Since moving a year and a half ago I hadn’t been particularly passionate about my training or diet but over the last 6 months that little flame has been reignited and I have quite a lot of drive again. I have some work committed professional exams in November with studies starting late August so my weekends are spoken for as will be a few evenings a week. I'm fairly determined to not let it get in the way of or affect my training or nutrition.


The plan:
When I first did HST I saw good results in strength & size and was eating a little over maintenance so hopefully now my diet is better suited to my aims hopefully I will be pleased in 12-14 weeks time.

Ultimately my plan is for 2 cycles of HST (15/10/5 + 15?/10/5). I’m unsure if I will use 15’s on the second cycle at this point. Once HST is finished I plan to take advantage of my strength peak and push this further with 6-10 weeks of DC.

The food:
My prescribed diet is 2200cals/200p/100f/100c for off days and 3200cals/200p/50f/3-400c on training days. Chances are I’ll adhere to my off days more strictly than my training days and expect I’ll tip nearer to 3500-4000 calories on training days providing fat gain is kept to a satisfactory level! Thanks to CBL I quite literally can’t get full anymore!

Off day:
2 wholemeal pitas with 150-200g chicken/ham/turkey/tuna mayo
Handful Tomato’s & chopped avocado
Apple or Pear
2 Scoops whey + BCAA + Leucine
50g mixed nuts with raisins
4 scrambled eggs with EVOO
Vit C + Zing 1000mg/15mg
Calcium/Vit D 800mg/5ug
Vit D3: 5000iu

250-300g Mackerel or Salmon
2-300g Mixed vegetables


3g Taurine
6g DAA

Training Days:
2 wholemeal pitas with 150-200g chicken/ham/turkey/tuna mayo
Handful Tomato’s & chopped avocado
Apple or Pear
Vit C + Zing 1000mg/15mg
Calcium/Vit D 800mg/5ug
Vit D3: 5000iu

PRE WO 4:30PM:
5-6g BCAA
3g Taurine

PWO (6PM):
2 Scoops whey + 60g Dextrose + BCAA + Leucine
1 slice white toast with peanut butter & jam

Dinner (7PM):
250g beef/turkey mince, 200g chicken/turkey breast, 200g steak
1-200g mixed veg
100g white rice/400g sweet potato
(Occasionally switched out for equivalent macro values of Lasagne, fajita’s, pasta dish, stir fry etc)

+ 500calories/as many carbs as possible treat/sweet – a bit of IIFYM if you will.

8PM: 300g cottage cheese with pineapple.

3g Taurine
6g DAA

The business:
Now normally I structure my HST programs to be as aerobic as possible to take advantage of the aerobic nature of a full body routine and to improve conditioning however as my primary aim is now mass and I would like to bring up some lagging areas, I will be training muscle groups in short or immediate succession and in some cases super-setting. Beauty is I can always easily re-work the order of things if I find it isn’t working or turns out to be a hindrance. Mixture of some machine work as they have their benefits! Some exercises will change between the 15’s and 10’s and 5’s due to becoming impractical in nature at heavier loads.

15’s as they stand as of yesterday: (Alternating A/B where ‘/’ is displayed, superset where ‘*’ is displayed)

Back Squat: 100KG
Flat Bench: 80KG
WG Pull Down/CG Pull Down: 65KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 7.5KG * 17.5KG
Seated High Row: 40KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 35KG
Dips: BW + 10KG
BB Curl: 25KG
Seated Calf Raise: 50KG
Weighted Crunch: 40KG

Looking back these weights haven't changed much since my first ever HST cycle but that said I am not as strong as I have been as of late. :(

Current stats:

BW 85KG, BF 13-14%, 5’11”, 24yo.

Big 3 this year: 130KG, 185KG, 180KG
Big 3 PB’s: 135KG, 185KG, 205KG

I would like to crack 140KG bench and maintain my squat PB with my slightly changed form. Deadlift will take some work, my form is greatly improved but a little dysfunctional at the moment and I have neglected this lift for about 2-3 years so not expecting any short term miracles!

Don't expect daily updates, more likely weekly or fortnightly when I actually have something significant to report :p:):cool:
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Okay Benny-boy, so I'm well into this here log. I like your HST routine a whole lot. I want to see how you implement the bastid. If I like what I see, I may try out your routine myself as I've been looking to switch for a while.

Curious on the matter of how/why you lost strength on your diet. Strikes me as odd, because I'd imagine you had been doing the necessary maintenance work. To maintain, it only takes minimal work, typically about a 3rd or so of what it took to build the muscle/strength in the first place with a once a week frequency per body part being fine. So, what the hell happened bro?!

Other thing is, the calorie/macro counts. Forgive me if I've missed something obvious, but the work day macros don't seem to add up to the calorie count at all. :confused:
Okay Benny-boy, so I'm well into this here log. I like your HST routine a whole lot. I want to see how you implement the bastid. If I like what I see, I may try out your routine myself as I've been looking to switch for a while.

I'm in two minds about exercise selection for the second cycle. DC taught me that regular variation can be quite a powerful tool but could make it difficult to gauge progress. With DC following shortly after it makes sense not to change the routine a whole lot so would probably change a few here and there. Skim through the link to my first HST cycle (it's in my DC log linked above).

Curious on the matter of how/why you lost strength on your diet. Strikes me as odd, because I'd imagine you had been doing the necessary maintenance work. To maintain, it only takes minimal work, typically about a 3rd or so of what it took to build the muscle/strength in the first place with a once a week frequency per body part being fine. So, what the hell happened bro?!

I've no idea, tbh I think I just got a bit lazy with all the extra cardio I was doing and mild fatigue. I wasn't really maintaining, more just cruising and occasionally lifting heavier which would explain it!

Other thing is, the calorie/macro counts. Forgive me if I've missed something obvious, but the work day macros don't seem to add up to the calorie count at all. :confused:

Ahh, the IF calculator puts my fats at 70g, protein around 185g and carbs at 460g :eek: it is do-able with a big helping of clean carbs in the evening but this might not always be the case so forgive the approximation. If I find I want to have something sweet then fats will ultimately be higher and carbs a little lower than optimal.

For example a second slice of p&j on toast + a second helping of 100g rice/pasta or another 400g sweet potatoes would match the macro's almost exactly. But quite frankly if I can get away with eating some **** then I will :D

Edit: Sum on my spreadsheet was also incorrect. Training day lunch salad/meat is now pitta/meat to hit the macro's.
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Dear diary....

Bit of an odd day today, doctors this morning for a blood test with a late start at work and a day that just seemed to go on forever. Anyway M'dTFU.

Worked out my 10's today.

Back Squat: 120KG
Flat Bench: 95KG
WG Pull Up/Chin Up: +5KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 10KG * 22.5KG
Seated High Row: 55KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 45KG
Dips: BW + 20KG
BB Curl: 35KG
Seated Calf Raise: 70KG
Weighted Crunch: 55KG

My left hip flexor has some mild tendonitis from changing squat form. Too much knees out and allowing my knees to come forward felt like a 'pinching/crossing' pain between my hip & thigh. Imagine the bottom of a front squat but with a low bar back squat position, which would explain why my hip drive pretty much disappeared. So it felt pretty jaffed the last few days. Iced & warm compressed it yesterday which seemed to help so will do the same again this evening, funnily enough stretching it only aggravated it further.

I'd be lieing if I said working out my squat 10's wasn't painful. Having addressed my form though it felt like it wasn't being aggravated anymore by the form itself but was more just a little on the sore side from before.

Will bin calculating my 5's if I don't feel it would be wise come Friday and will rest it up for a coupe of days. I know that training through a potential injury or error is only a recipe for disaster long term. If push comes to shove I can always make use of the press.
It's a common thing I find, something I'm working on right now too. When I hit depth, if I don't keep tight I go a little lower, my knees go forward. Give it time you'll crack it.
It's a common thing I find, something I'm working on right now too. When I hit depth, if I don't keep tight I go a little lower, my knees go forward. Give it time you'll crack it.

Good to know :) I think gradually making minor changes to form would be more appropriate looking back. Changing overnight to squatting with a John Wayne style stance was probably bound to cause problems. I felt much more comfortable at the bottom of the rep though, but ultimately weaker.

I'll focus on driving my knees out as I drive up rather than pulling them out as I go down which seemed to cause my knees to fall forwards.

I quite like squatting down on to a bench, although it's not quite proper depth I find I get excellent glute & hip recruitment. May well work it in on my DC period. :cool:
Inn for the gains!

This is going to be useful for me. Not had a long gym life, well proper one anyway so new to this whole HST thing.
Allright phaggots sink your teeth in to my log a little deeper.

Back Squat: 145KG
Flat Bench: 105KG
WG Pull Up/Chin Up: +20KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 12.5KG * 30KG
BB Shrug: 120KG
BOR: 100KG
Dips: BW + 40KG
BB Curl: 45KG
Seated Calf Raise: 100KG

Hip tendon/adductor (little worried it might have actually been a minor tear :/) was still twanging away making me wince so I actually stopped squats at 4 reps, it felt pretty heavy but I guess it would if you're squatting with zero hip drive? I may be a little more conservative come the time I begin 5's and will play it by ear based on strength and also the state of my hip.

Bench I tried for 110KG x 5, ground out 4 so decided to cut myself some slack, I hope to make good progress on this lift so didn't want to set the bar too high for myself initially as it can be quite demotivating if you're too ambitious. Starting too heavy makes progress too difficult. That said 2 years ago or so I was finishing at 115 x 5 x 3 with room for more, dem feels :(

Everything else was fine. I've dropped the seated high row as stacking it like a baws :cool: isn't really going to do much as 5 reps wasn't challenging at all.

Likewise the ISO seated low row, I didn't feel going heavier with a shorter rep range was going to be productive based on compromise with form. So switching these (High Row & Low Row) for a BB Shrug and BOR should produce more gaaaainz. That said I may alternate ISO Low Row with BB Row for the 5's.
Right. So here's how the 6 weeks looks in principle.

Back Squat: 100KG
Flat Bench: 80KG
WG Pull Down/CG Pull Down: 65KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 7.5KG * 17.5KG
Seated High Row: 40KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 35KG
Dips: BW + 10KG
BB Curl: 25KG
Seated Calf Raise: 50KG
Weighted Crunch: 40KG
Back Squat: 120KG
Flat Bench: 95KG
WG Pull Up/Chin Up: +5KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 10KG * 22.5KG
Seated High Row: 55KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 45KG
Dips: BW + 20KG
BB Curl: 35KG
Seated Calf Raise: 70KG
Weighted Crunch: 55KG
Back Squat: 145KG
Flat Bench: 105KG
WG Pull Up/Chin Up: +20KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 12.5KG * 30KG
BB Shrug: 120KG
BOR: 100KG
Dips: BW + 40KG
BB Curl: 45KG
Seated Calf Raise: 100KG

15's yesterday was interesting, the first session always is! Squats done and I was already shimmering with sweat.

It was interesting as I've kept my push/pull splits as aerobic as possible lately too so now training the same muscle groups in succession is a refreshing change. Hopefully I don't find structuring the program this way any less effective than my previous methods.

Hip felt okay for squats but was still twinging a bit. Do have some mireful g00t & quad DOMS today (from 4 sets total, lulz). I violated myself with my BodyBackBuddy yesterday evening along with a cold compress. I also had a quick play whilst I was at the gym on the abductor/adductor machines and seated hip adduction caused a twinge/pain so will do some mobilisation & rehab efforts.

Also, I don't think that supersetting my side raises with my seated DB press is wise! if anything counter productive as I was running out of steam having just benched too. So will see how I get on for the next session/rest of the 15's and might move it to a more typical pre-exhaust method of 2 sets raises followed by my 2 sets press. Do have some decent DOMS in my delts though which I always struggle to achieve (activation also)

Will report back on Friday. I'll post up the weights at the end of each phase otherwise there'll be too many numbers up pending change and it'll be too confusing for n00bs.

Edit: Morning weight circa 87KG (dat reload), strong progress since ending the cut about 2 weeks ago at 84/85KG.

For Stoodles:
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I will say here, that 5s on the seated calf is NOT an efficient method for soleus hypertrophy. Soleus responds far better to fatigue stimulus. 8-10 reps, with a pause at bottom to avoid the kangaroo effect.
I will say here, that 5s on the seated calf is NOT an efficient method for soleus hypertrophy. Soleus responds far better to fatigue stimulus. 8-10 reps, with a pause at bottom to avoid the kangaroo effect.

I'd forgotten to mention that my calf raises will be performed DC style with a slow negative (4-5's) and pause at full stretch for a similar anount of time at the bottom.

The rep range may well not be optimal for soleus hypertrophy however I find the 5's are more of a strength accumulation phase. Yes I know this is a hypertrophy program however I have experienced both size and strength gains previously and there is ultimately some correlation between the two.
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