Me gusta le hypertrophy

That way would be so much lower when i start this.

15 reps on the flat bench at 80kg.. I'll pass go and check straight into womenville.
Not a massive amount to report except my hip inpingement has been self diagnosed as 'Anterior Femoral Glide Syndrome', so am taking the necessary steps to help cure/correct that. It hasn't stopped me squatting and I will be sensible until it has fully healed.

3rd' session of 15's and I seemed to struggle with the second sets on bench, pull down and ISO seated row. I decided mid session to stop chasing the second set of 15 reps as it would ultimately take me to failure which is not what I want to achieve at this stage in the phase. Previously I have only concerned myself with attaining the full 15 reps 'pre failure' and this approach still delivered equal results. I'll still do a second set but will stop short of failure whereever that may fall.

I don't think this is occuring through anything else except good old muscular fatigue. Cals are plenty and rest is good so may well just be that I'm working at a suitable intensity to only allow me one working set.

I switched my raises to a more traditional pre-exhaust layout which I quite liked.

Will report back again probably next week. Busy weekend coming up including a bro-down with Stoodles and Wolls.
Write up from Friday.

Possibly the worst two weeks to tackle 15's in! AC in the gym? not even once. So these were some seriously sweaty sessions. Good pump all round, all reps achieved at least for the first set.

Widened my grip slightly for bench to incorporate a more pecs as tricep fatigue was the limiting factor. Hip is feeling much better but still being careful/conscious.

After seeing photo's from yesterdays meet I think my bulk is a little too strong since finishing my cut so will reel it in a bit and try not to turn in to a blob over the next 4 weeks.

Finishing weights as before, with revised order/format:

15's - 2 sets
Back Squat: 100KG
Flat Bench: 80KG
Lat Raise: 7.5KG
Seated DB Press: 17.5KG
WG Pull Down/CG Pull Down: 65KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 35KG
Seated High Row: 40KG
Dips: BW + 10KG
BB Curl: 25KG
Seated Calf Raise: 50KG
Weighted Crunch: 40KG

Strongest DOMS since DOMS began from the Strongman meet yesterday but hopefully a thorough warm up should stop them hindering me tomorrow for the first 10's.
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Regarding diet, am I right in thinking you're still going for CBL goodness? If so, those off day carbs seem quite a bit too high!
Nope, not using CBL protocol's anymore.

Just a straight up IF method, which incorporates carb cycling and most carbs PWO however I think 400g+carbs on training days is quite generous.

I'll reel it down from 3200 to 2800 on training and actually try and stick to 2300 on off days for now. I have a strong upwards trend over the last 3/4 weeks, unsuprisingly, so if this continues on those numbers (at a much slower rate!) and approriately adjusted macro's I'll leave it be.
I'm moving when I break my fast to slightly later in the day, nearer to 3PMish hopefully so my first meal can be treated as a 'Pre WO' if you will as it's currently at midday. This may subsequently shorten my eating window but is not something I'm consciously doing.

Hopefully it'll satisfy my appetite too as I try to eat a little bit less to weaken my oh so strong bulk.

Managed to almost board the express to snap city. Quite bad DOMS all over in general from the Strongman meet but when moving a loaded bar (60KG) down from the rack to the floor for SLDL the catchers were a little high so attempted to control the negative of the clean and my forearms/biceps screamed at me. Elbow flexion is pretty sore, I took it easy during the workout particularly on the back and biceps work. Cold compresses and some stretching should help. The farmers carry from the meet really ruined my forearms and today was a little too much it seems.
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Final week of 10's today and the hips feeling much better, still some impingement though which is ultimately affecting my use of the hips in the squat. I've used some ISO press work after my row warm up to help wake 'meh gl00tz' up a bit.

Making good progress on the DB shoulder press, hammies feeling strong too. Update to come Friday when the 10's are finished.

Edit: Realise my daily diet has been 300cals/50g heavier in carbs than I had accounted for due to buying 'large' pitta's instead of the regular. So I've been on nearer to 2600/3100cals. So will pull, at least, my off day back down to 2300 calories properly!
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So week 2 of the 10's are finished.

Finishing weights:

Back Squat: 120KG
SLDL/RDL/DL : 95KG / 125 x 5 x 3
Flat Bench: 95KG
WG Pull Up/Chin Up: +5KG
Lat Raise * Seated DB Press: 10KG * 25KG
Seated High Row: 50KG
ISO Seated Low Row: 45KG
Dips: BW + 20KG
BB Curl: 35KG
Seated Calf Raise: 70KG
Reverse crunches 10 x 2 / Plank

I added deadlifts in on a Friday as it's a lift I've been neglecting and want to bring up to speed. These are heavier than the SLDL/RDL in the same progressive fashion. So:
Weds: RDL
Fri: DL

Managed to increase the seated DB press up to 25KG, possibly due to not supersetting , just pre exhausting instead, but never the less this weight felt good.

I had been doing some DC style extreme stretching up until today's workout but had read that it was probably going to be screwing the progressive load due the extra level of trauma it causes. So have stopped that and will save it & it's benefits for my DC training period.

Swear our 5ft oly bars must weight more than 7.5KG as I have used them for increments on the BB curl and when using the fixed 35KG bar today it was considerably easier. May well switch from straight bar to EZ bar for the 5's.

I've been waking my glutes up as since the AFGS flared up my left glute seems to have gone dormant as has my hip hinge. So a few sets of ISO work on the press or GHR's before squatting seems to be helping. The pain is much less but still in the back of my mind. I did a few sets of leg press on the end of todays session just to try and pull the head of the femur back in to it's socket for good. Enough reps just to engage some proper recruitment:

100KG x 10
150KG x 8
200KG x 8
250KG x 8
300KG x 5

Will get some progress snaps up this weekend possibly.

Would really like to get 10 reps at 100KG bench out by the end of my second HST cycle so that's a short term goal along with replicating my PB squat but may well take a little longer.

Definitely going to be alternating HS Leg Press & Back Squats in the next cycle of HST as it seems to be a winning combo for me (based on last time).

Boredom is kicking in some what due to the lack of variation and I was considering moving to DC after I finish the 5's but consistency is key so think, or at least know, I should stick with the second cycle of HST.

Edit: I've also been doing some of the MWOD internal rotation drills and other IR/infraspinatus stretches as my right shoulder has always been tight and was beginning to lift when fatiguing on bench. Also seems to have helped with recruitment for side raises and OHP'ing movements. Got really friendly with a lacrosse ball & end of an olympic BB.
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Strong benching bro, I'm tempted to copy your HST routine for my next cycle buy my gym has bad rowing options :(. Might be time to experiment with bar in corner + V Handle from cable machine for some kind of T-Bar action.
Strong benching bro, I'm tempted to copy your HST routine for my next cycle buy my gym has bad rowing options :(. Might be time to experiment with bar in corner + V Handle from cable machine for some kind of T-Bar action.

That's how I've done T-bars in the past. Or use the cable ropes, or a towel :cool: Find I have to use smaller plates otherwise the plates hitting my chest kill my ROM.

I've got some other routines from my first IF & HST journal which are worth looking at. Depends what equipment you have to hand but if you've got a decent machine that will complement one of the main compounds then utilising it would be wise IMO.

Happy to give my input on whatever you come up with if you want it ofc!

Google the 'sleeper stretch' as well it can be tricky to do properly but if you study the muscle itself you should be able to figure out how to stretch it properly.


The barbell across the anterior delt is pretty brutal. A combination with all of the above is helping though I have some rotator cuff issues.

Some useful info regarding Anterior Femoral Glide Syndrome / Hip impingement here:

3 parts:
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Bruuu's I can feel the hypertrophy happening. It feels goood, reaal good.

5's are leaving me quite tired lately! Getting to be around 10:30/11 and up at 6:30 so getting my usual amount of sleep but just feeling a little fatigued the following day.

I seem to be ahead of plan in a few places too which is always good news :)

Larger update coming on Friday.
See, that's where a tasty backload helps with dat recovery.

I'm tempted to backload, regardless of the fact I'm eating normally anyway :p

Need to go to bed earlier, get up an hour earlier than Benny but go to bed around the same time :p
See, that's where a tasty backload helps with dat recovery.

Yes - since I started making sure my backload was a proper backload, rather than just a normal meal with carbs (i.e. bangers and mash or whatever), recovery feels a lot more complete.

And then I dose with OAKG (these work trips mean I take a break from dosing, too, which keeps it apparently working), which seems to make things a whole lot less unpleasant again.. :D

See, that's where a tasty backload helps with dat recovery.

I think due to using the IF recomp protocol and having off days in a slight deficit is likely to be the cause. Would be interesting to use the CBL protocol to gain rather than lean out as I was last time.

It sounds counter productive but I have managed to gain size whilst dropping bodyfat using this method before. When I finish this set of 5's and the deload I should have recovered from my oh so strong runaway bulk and be in a better position to stay in a surplus without turning into a fat kernt.
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