Meals - eat together and the same?

15 Feb 2003
Just wondered how people who live as a family unit conduct their meal times?

We generally eat meals as and when and rarely eat the same.

For instance, my brother and I have just had stir fried chicken and veg. My mum has some peppers in the oven baking and is going to stuff them with something for her. Dad has a steak and kidney pie in the oven and will be eating it with peas, carrots and potatoes. Finally, my gran is currently making herself a ham salad sandwich - it's a good job the kitchen is a reasonable size!

The only time we really all eat the same is when we're having a sunday roast, or when we occasionally get a take away.

I must admit this does seem quite odd, but it does make planning things easy as you don't have to work around others. I have friends whose parents plan meal time with military precision and it makes it a real pain when they have to let their parents know days in advanced whether they will be home or not and whether they'll require a meal that evening.
When i was younger we used 2 eat as a family every night. now its mostly just sunday dinner ( at tea time ) we do that.
PeterNem thats pretty normal for families these days. I don't have many friends that still eat together at the table with their family on a regular basis.
When I was a nipper we used to eat at the table with the tv off. Then my sister moved out and I went to uni and we pretty much just scoff when and whatever we want.

I do think eating together as a family is important though, and is deffo something that I want my children to do.
We always eat together unless I'm going to be late back from work. The missus and 3yr old son will have dinner prepared for when I get home and then we'll sit down together - always as a kid we sat down together at the dining table and ate at the same time, really is an important part of the day :)
When I lived with my parents and we were all at home (Dad used to work shifts and I was abroad a lot) we used to eat together, and eat the same meal.
My parents usually eat together watching the tv, I'll generally just make myself something or make something for myself and my dad while my mum has some pitta dn houmous or I'll cook for all 3 of us.

I have a mate who has a family meal at the dinner table every night where they are all clothed appropriately. It's a really nice atmosphere to eat in I think :)

By dressed properly I mean without items of clothing missing, usually I'll just eat dinner in my boxers at home :p
When I lived at home, we always, always ate as a family. I can't even remember more than one or two instances that we didn't sit at the dinner table. We always ate the same meal.

I think it's an important part of young family life :)

Ant :cool:
We nearly always ate together; both, when I was a kid and later, when I had a wife and kids of my own. We all had the same and it was a case of eat it or leave it regarding the food.
The really good thing is, that you get to chat over the meal, so everyone can chip in and it becomes a really good social time. It's amazing what people will talk about when gathered around a table that they won't another time, especially kids.
I must mention this to my youngest son, who is about to make me a grandpa ..... make sure he carries on the tradition; quality time with the family; no TV or anything, just family chat.

warm feeling ..... group hug.
when i am at home, and growing up i just eat whatever my mum cooks. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. I don't go and make my own food since that would be really disrespectful when someone just spent 2 hours cooking a meal for the family. So we always eat together and the same food.
Always ate with the family as a kid but now its just my parents who eat together, the rest of us just eath whenever, usually on our own or infront of the tv
I don't ever recall us all eating together and eating the same thing on a regular basis... in fact for several years the dining table was occupied by a PC which was only taken off on xmas day!

I think a lot of it stems from my mum being vegetarian and the rest of us are not. We eat together now (once or twice a week) when I am home from Uni than we ever used to when I actually lived here all the time.
Always eat together as a family, in front of the TV though. Table is reserved for guests and Christmas week.
These days it's a joint effort with cooking etc and just a matter of juggling things well. Most of the time it's the same food, but sometimes things differ depending on who fancies what.
We're kinda half-and-half. We eat as a family when we're all in, but usually on the floor in front of the TV or a DVD.
Still living at home and eat whatever my mother cooks for dinner (supper) and eat as a family. Breakfast wise, we'd make our own sandwiches.

I too agree with Raymond L and find it disrespectful eating something else when food is there already cooked.. also I don't like wasting good food and am not very 'picky' in what I eat.
we rarely do it, if it does happen its just because mum has made the food late so everyone is sitting there waiting, bro usually clears off and eats in front of the tv/pc
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