Mechanical Keyboard.

Back lit keys aren't gimmicky, they just look plain awesome. A Big orange Esc key however makes me wanna be sick :S

Even though i do like the idea of having no symbols or letters on the keys.

I didn't say that back lit keys are gimmicky if you are referring to my comment. The Esc key on my keyboard is actually red, you are not seeing a true reflection of its colour.
I could never get myself a Qpad keyboard just because the ugly logo is plastered all over it.

I've got myself a Das Keyboard Ultimate (blank key version) on order. After much research I found it was the one being recommended / praised the most. Obviously I can't say first-hand how good it is, as it hasn't arrived yet, but it might be worth having a look at one before you make your decision.
I got coloured caps for my Filco as well, red esc and red wasd :p Should fit with any keyboard using Cherry switches really. I also realised when I was replacing the keycaps there's a little round space to fit an LED in... *modding ideas flow into head*
My favorite boards!

Left: Filco Ninja ANSI (Brown Cherry)
Right: Realforce 87U Silent (Variable)

I prefer having backlit keyboards, hence going for the Razer Ultimate, but a lot of the other backlit keyboards i'm seeing, they look really clunky and just not simplistic to the kind of style i'm going for.

I may wait a while and get the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth for that bit extra.



I do like that one on the right, that is really nice.
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Did you buy a keyboard in the end?

I've just started looking into them and am bewildered by the choice - filco, wasd,das ,leopold, steeleries, razer, ducky...everytime i find one i like, i seem to find another brand!
Hey everyone,

Newbie here..but this thread caught my eye.

I'm looking for a keyboard with the following features:
1. Mechanical
2. not too loud (i.e. not blues)
3. Good for gaming AND typing
4. Backlit - in blue.
5. UK Keyboard layout (ISO)

As far as I am aware the RAZER Blackwidow ultimate stealth would be the perfect choice for me, but it's not available in a UK edition??? Yet?

I've tried contacting Razer about this several times and they are utterly useless...

All I want to know from them is IF it's going to be available in a UK edition. If it is, I will hang on and get that, if not, I'll have to look elsewhere.

I'd like to get Razer as I like their style and I have a razer mouse already.

Incidently...separate question: I have a Razer Abyss's great, but even on the slowest mousewheel scroll setting it's still too fast to use in Windows? Any one got any fixes for this?
Hey everyone,

Newbie here..but this thread caught my eye.

I'm looking for a keyboard with the following features:
1. Mechanical
2. not too loud (i.e. not blues)
3. Good for gaming AND typing
4. Backlit - in blue.
5. UK Keyboard layout (ISO)

As far as I am aware the RAZER Blackwidow ultimate stealth would be the perfect choice for me, but it's not available in a UK edition??? Yet?

I've tried contacting Razer about this several times and they are utterly useless...

All I want to know from them is IF it's going to be available in a UK edition. If it is, I will hang on and get that, if not, I'll have to look elsewhere.

I'd like to get Razer as I like their style and I have a razer mouse already.

Incidently...separate question: I have a Razer Abyss's great, but even on the slowest mousewheel scroll setting it's still too fast to use in Windows? Any one got any fixes for this?

I have the Qpad MK80 and love it. It meets all of you requirements except for the switch type as it uses blues. I am not certain, but I think it may be possible to get this KB with different switches, though you might have to ask Qpad themselves?
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