Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This story is already a year old and yes if you have certain options switched in Windows media player it will report back to MS, but you can turn the options off and they are off as default.
This story is already a year old and yes if you have certain options switched in Windows media player it will report back to MS, but you can turn the options off and they are off as default.

well if you believe some of the stuff on this link such as the post below then it would seem that some people believe that ms are in cahoots with the fbi. To be honest I dont believe that but i am not to sure bout the other stuff

FBI is working with microsoft to install back doors on your system. the bad thing is that Loghorn is going to be 100times worse they are making a new processor for our computers just for them! and on the Windows Media Player you can uninstall it and you can get away from ms it call linux!
markysparky said:
This story is already a year old and yes if you have certain options switched in Windows media player it will report back to MS, but you can turn the options off and they are off as default.

well if you believe some of the stuff on this link such as the post below then it would seem that some people believe that ms are in cahoots with the fbi. To be honest I dont believe that but i am not to sure bout the other stuff

FBI is working with microsoft to install back doors on your system. the bad thing is that Loghorn is going to be 100times worse they are making a new processor for our computers just for them! and on the Windows Media Player you can uninstall it and you can get away from ms it call linux!

Some people believe that the CIA can read people's minds and that as a result we should go round wearing tin-foil hats. People are stupid. What's your point :confused:
locutus12 said:
services.msc, disable disable disable :D

the spanish inquisition couldnt get information out of my pc never mind media player :rolleyes:

:eek: Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under!

You will tell me what your login username and password is to OCUK so I can abuse your account and post sensationalist threads!
robmiller said:
Some people believe that the CIA can read people's minds and that as a result we should go round wearing tin-foil hats. People are stupid. What's your point :confused:

bugger . you mean i dont have to ware this tin-foil hat now .god do i feel silly .been walking around with it on me head for the past 6 months

:D :D :D
Kami said:
:eek: Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under!

You will tell me what your login username and password is to OCUK so I can abuse your account and post sensationalist threads!

:D :rolleyes:
zain said:
I am confused, why the hell would you disable services? You need them...
Because if you disable all the services to the point where your computer cannot function, then M$ cant get details of your mp3 collection and inform the feds, I thought it was obvious :rolleyes:
zain said:
I am confused, why the hell would you disable services? You need them...

No you don't. ;)

I'm running ~20 services, the rest.... all disabled or stopped. Yet I still can do most things, still run a home network, still get on the net, and can pretty much do most things (perhaps some advanced networking or management functions are stopped but I never touch these, or would know how).

You just don't need half the crap running in the background. :)
I'm running ~20 services, the rest.... all disabled or stopped. Yet I still can do most things, still run a home network, still get on the net, and can pretty much do most things (perhaps some advanced networking or management functions are stopped but I never touch these, or would know how).

Wow, only 20 services let me know what services you have running/disabled etc
Awesome thread
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