Media Streaming Question

30 Sep 2008
At the moment, 99% of everything we watch on TV is sitting on my PC upstairs. Its great for when I want to watch stuff on my own, as I just go into iTunes and away we go - however if she wants to watch something with me downstairs then I have to put it onto DVD, etc etc.

I'm looking for a solution to this issue - in an ideal world some way of accessing my iTunes interface (since it looks so pretty) and playing stuff on the downstairs TV.

I have an XBOX 360 going spare upstairs at the moment, and a wireless network throughout the house. The other halfs brother has mentioned using that as a media centre or something but it just went straight over my head - any ideas or suggestions?

You would just need to buy the wireless media extender for your 360, these can be had for ~£30-£40.

You might need to use some other software such as TVersity though to get it to send the video to your 360.
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