Meet Buddy (the dog)

Hes a German Shorthair Pointer

He should turn black soon but im not bothered at all , we have done a lot of reading into which breed of dog and this one pretty much came out tops

His tempriment is spot on aswell which is the main thing , he pee's and poo's on the paper and sits when you tell him to and hes only 6 weeks and 4 days old

Yeah, definitely. Quickly googled the breed and got this pic, which is very similar but different colours:

Having a dog with the right temperment is important being around your kiddies too. Looks like a winar!
Awesome choice :D My late friend used to breed GSPs, they're great. I'm so glad our contributions brought a smile to Bethany's face :)

Now to the important stuff. Are you going to overclock it? Mods? :p
Awesome dog Skywalker, I bet bethany loves it! As previously said am glad our donations have gone to something worthwhile. Damm that thing is cute...

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