meeting question

27 Mar 2016
Bristolian living in Swindon
hi all

It's just a quick simple question regarding the mother in laws work place...

She's had a phone call this morning saying we need to see you today bring a union rep :confused:

she's had no letter about any meeting and has had no issues at work, My question is, Are they meant to give you so many days notice and write to you regarding meetings?

Im only asking as she's got really upset and my wife is a tad ****** off with the company so I want to get info from the more knowledgeable people on here regarding working rights stuff :)
Redundancy wouldn't require any prior notice and may still involve a union rep. Has she been able to talk to any colleagues?

yeah she has spoke to colleagues over the past few days of absence and rang managers to tell them about time off

They will still want to formally chat to her about the time off, especially if she's failed to communicate in the proper way.

A) she may well have informed them she'd be absent and done everything above board = they want to make sure (via a return to work) that she's got the support she needs
B) she text them to say she had a doctors appointment, then got signed off = they'll want to remind her that their process is to make contact via telephone (not text).

More than likely option A.

yeah option A is what she has done with all her time off... just seems very odd they ring her 3 hours before the meeting and say bring a Union rep...
Thanks for all the info guys, She went in for the meeting and is now home, she has been suspended until further notice
No the reason for being suspended is because one of her clients has told the company that someone has stole over £1000 from a safe at the house, she works in care and visits houses daily and its the same clients over the week... The company have now got the police involved and need to get finger prints etc
yeah when she got home and told me I was shocked but I said to her no need to panic if you know your innocent, shes still being paid and all will come out soon enough
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