Meetup this weekend in London?

cyKey said:
I'm going to be at the County Hall near the London Eye I think, if I'm reading the map right. I'll be there all day really. No time to wander and its a prime location for the fireworks, i think. I dunno London that well.

If you're at county hall you are right by the Eye. The river curves round to the right from there towards the fireworks and as you're on the inside of the curve of the river you'll need to move a bit for a really good view. You can stay on the South side and try to get a view by going down river past Waterloo Bridge. Otherwise cross over Westmister bridge and walk East to get as close as you can on the North bank.

I would have throught both Waterloo and Blackfriars bridges will be full (there are police restricting access) so go for the banks. I reckon the North side will be better as if it's really busy you won't get past waterloo bridge so at least you can use that as foreground for the wide angle shots. If you're stuck on the South side you'll have a load of ugly buildings (festival hall etc) in the way if you can't get round far enough.

Still gutted I can't make it :(
What's this?? Meet in London? Glad i stumbled in in time to notice, I'm around this weekend and would be well up for getting my camera out again, it's been ages with various things!

Westminister would be handy for me (15 minutes walk from home!) but I'm good for anywhere!

I shall subscribe to this thread now!

Cheers ;)
FranchiseJuan said:
Ohh that sounds like fun... Mind if I accidentally bump into you there? ;)

Its open to the public, just I'm doing some specific shots for a magazine so I'll be busy working all day trying to get that done :)
FranchiseJuan said:
Meetup around London Eye about 4pm. Any other comming?

I'm a bit worried about that due to crowds. Most fireworks displays you need to be at least an hour early. This is London. I've got to balance my job with my desire for these shots though :)
cyKey said:
I'm a bit worried about that due to crowds. Most fireworks displays you need to be at least an hour early. This is London. I've got to balance my job with my desire for these shots though :)

Is that a round about sort of way of saying you wouldn't mind some help? ;)
FranchiseJuan said:
Is that a round about sort of way of saying you wouldn't mind some help? ;)

If you're willing to kidnap random cosplayers and bring them to my lair then sure :) I've got particular shots in mind, with a certain style of processing so while I'd appreciate the help in sorting some of the minor details I'm afraid it'd be only me shooting for the mag, unless you want to document it the disaster ;)
cyKey said:
If you're willing to kidnap random cosplayers and bring them to my lair then sure :) I've got particular shots in mind, with a certain style of processing so while I'd appreciate the help in sorting some of the minor details I'm afraid it'd be only me shooting for the mag, unless you want to document it the disaster ;)

I will probably be down there about 3pm or so. I will see what I can do for ya.
FranchiseJuan said:
So how many are going right now? I count 5:


And a maybe on flogger.

Meetup around London Eye about 4pm. Any other comming?

Sounds cool guys, I'm about to head out for the lord mayors show, just charging batteries etc now...

I'll wonder away from that 2-30 ish, time for coffee and a stroll to the london eye, be there a little before 4, if anybody wants to get hold of me email me at

gary.mackenzie {AT}

that'll reach my blackberry and i can drop you a line back with my mobile number...

I'm still wondering about location for the fireworks, i figure the north bank near temple tube is a good bet, bridges will be packed so not an option...

Later guys...
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