memory testing A64?

30 Jul 2005
hi all, in memtest86+ which are the best tests to run and for how long? i heard numbers 5 and 8 being mentioned but not sure on this.

setup is Asrock dual and opteron 146.
I just whack the floppy in and let it do it's thing. I usually leave it on overnight. So about 6-8 hours.

is there something fishy with test 8?
i can pass all other tests countless times but test number 8 is failing on me.

odd though since i managed to install windows on and even make numerous tests in super pi and got no errors.

thinking if there is something borked with the test or if there is something genuinely wrong with the hardware?
odd even underclocked at 182mhz and 3-3-3-10 timings i managed to install windows, run a few 3dmark 03 and 05 runs, run lots of super pi tests and got no problems, but memtest test 8 says i got errors. usually in windows i would have lots of crashes and in super pi a not exact in round error would occur or not convergent in sqr error on my nforce2 board when it used to fail the memory tests.

not sure what to do?
Have you tried turning the volts going through your RAM and CPU up?
I had to put the volts to 2.8v for my RAM and 1.4v for my CPU to get my timings and clocks stable.

ram is crucial value stuff running at 182mhz which is below stock steeps at stock volts.

im going to try something in a few mins. i think memtest may have some compatability problem with this chipset or something.

odd how 3dm03 and 05 ran fine and super pi passed with no problems. :confused:
I had problems with Prime 95 failing. You may have seen my thread. It ran games and passed other tests fine. Turned out I had to change my divider. Didnt change performance. Just tightened the timings.
Just saying, if it runs fine, why bother?
I just didn't like the fact prime failed and it bugged me.
But I would leave it if it's fine.

hmm, what is this MA drive thingy its currently set to 1T. may be the command rate but not sure.

what should i set it to?
I think thats the memory speed, usually called 'Command Per Clock'(sp?) I think.
Leave it on 1T, much faster than 2T. Its not overclocking, RAM is usually made to run at 1T.

ok interesting, i set the ma timing to 2t, im sure this is the command rate, and so far there are no errors in memtest test 8. im gonna let it carry on testing.

looks like the memtest benchmark shows almost a 400mb/s drop in speed going to 2t.

is this because of the board or is it because the memory i have is crappy? although its doing 228mhz which i thought is not too shabby for value ram.

if im limited to 2t would i suffer any more by adding another 2 gig to the system to get 4 gig in total? hoping that the new 2 sticks can handle 228mhz speed.

would i have to get more crucial value ram or can it be any other brand dual channel kit?
If it's failing on 1T I would advise to get a better quality RAM.
Also, Do you have the latest BIOS for your board, may help.

yep i have bios version 1.60.

been reading in the asrock thread in the mobo section about a 1t problem, it may not be ram related and may be board related.

either way i hear that if i use 4 sticks of ram i have to run 2t regardless of what sort of ram it is.

guess i may just get another 2 gigs since it only costs 50 quid a stick these days for crucial value ram. :D
Yeah fair enough.
There is a small possibility it will be unstable. You will also get people saying there will be no performance increase from 2GB 1T to 4GB 2T.
I don't know if this is true.
Also, you will need the x64 version of windows to pick up the 4gb of RAM.

right im using xp64 currently.

been reading around and it seems to be a bug with the board where only certain sticks will run in a 1T configuration.

ok any one know of any 2gig kit thats good for 280mhz at voltage below 2.7v?
In my opinion, the ram isnt the problem - its the motherboard. The dual Sata has been known to have problems running the memory at 1T, specifically in test 8 of memtest. No matter what divider, timings etc, running 1T would fail this test.

Also I have heard (and experienced once) that when in 1T accessing some flash websites, and opening some word documents will cause an instant reboot. Playing games etc is all flawless though.

I have read about that 1T is only about 3% increase over 2T, even if benchmarks and memtest show otherwise. It seems for A64's, benchmarks are very poor at showing real application performance.

Some however have been able to run 1T with none of these problems, which is strange. Personally I cant get memtest test 8 to pass on 1T no matter what ram, memory volts, timings or dividers I use (and I am using a ddr booster so the 2.75V "high" ddr voltage is not a limit here), and I have read its because the motherboard circuitry and components have involved cutting corners to keep the price so low and budget.

I used to have your ram before getting some new ocz. My advice would be to keep the ram, run it at 2T to be safe that no potential reboots or problems will occur when your working/playing, and since you cant really tighten the timings much more than 3-3-3-10 (you can use 2.5-3-3-7 I think at 200mhz) I would keep the overclock, although running in a divider wouldnt make much difference tbh.
xiphrex your right thats the same stuff i have been reading on lots of other forums, my ram is not the problem it is the board. apparently certain sticks work fine in 1t mode, BH5 seem to be fine according to various sources.

i was getting scared since memtest showed my bandwidth to drop by 400mb/s when going into 2t from 1t. i assumed that would be a big dip in speed but people saying that its not gonna effect me much.

also i got 2x512mb sticks lying around. is it possible for me to put thse 2 sticks in the other available black ram slots and run 3gig of ram? or do all 4 sticks have to be of equal capacity?
Cyber-Mav said:
xiphrex your right thats the same stuff i have been reading on lots of other forums, my ram is not the problem it is the board. apparently certain sticks work fine in 1t mode, BH5 seem to be fine according to various sources.

i was getting scared since memtest showed my bandwidth to drop by 400mb/s when going into 2t from 1t. i assumed that would be a big dip in speed but people saying that its not gonna effect me much.

also i got 2x512mb sticks lying around. is it possible for me to put thse 2 sticks in the other available black ram slots and run 3gig of ram? or do all 4 sticks have to be of equal capacity?

The 3GB should show fine and it should run fine at 2T.
Theres only one way to find out though ;)

right, currently on pass 7 of 3gig ram and no errors so far running memtest test 5.

will let it run about 10 passes then i will switch the test over to test 8 and let it go for another 10 passes.

bad thing is the memtesting is taking longer now. probably because there is more ram to test :( :) :confused:
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