Men of Honour 2006


Looks good, although I think Tolien should be made a don for N & IC.
Can't disagree with any of them, particularly semi-pro waster and malc30.
Woot :) Well done chaps ! FF is a superb choice but being French should get him a Frog of Honour tag really.

Very pleased to see AJUK and Malc join the club I don't think I am overly familiar with the rest.
Congratulations to all, I think all of those choices are sound.

Well done to semi-pro waster, especially. He does spend a lot of time giving sound advise in the hardware forums.
phykell said:
Are you saying you *are* overly familiar with the others? Even the French one? :D

Well more *aware of their prescence* then :p
As an Englishman I am painfully aware of the existence of the Frog too.
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