Laptop = type-o
Oi you, don't be dissin' the laptop
I would like to thank God, my family, my agent ....... oh wait, it's not the Oscars
I'm incredibly surprised that I've made enough of an impact to be noticed and extremely flattered that the moderating team have seen fit to recognise my modest efforts in this way.
I noticed this last night when I was posting in another thread. My post came up and I thought "Wait a minute, something looks different.", then I noticed the avatar and I uttered a "WTF" and damn near fell off my chair. I found this thread and started to construct a suitable reply but the battery in my laptop died and my adapter is broken so I had to wait until I started my shift today (it's not easy getting a replacement Dell adapter when you're on a drilling rig off the coast of Egypt).
Congratulations to my fellow MOH awardees. Belmit and Jonny I have met IRL and they're excellent guys and well worthy. BTI I know well from the DC forum - extremely helpful guy. Dolph, I know from my occasional foray into SC - an intelligent and knowledgeable chap and very helpful. The others I know little about but I have seen them post.
That's about it for my acceptance speech. I will try to continue to contribute in a similar fashion (I must be doing something right) and hopefully, I can live up to my new title (and also kick some butt in the
Folding team
