So Microsoft rely on nothing more than the honesty of the customer when ringing up to get the OS reactivated?
Indeed. And its fully automated with just 3 simple questions to answer:
1) Did this version of windows come with the PC you are installing it on?
- If OEM answer yes.
2) Are you installing it on the same PC it came with?
- Yes for OEM ofc.
3) Finally, on how many computers is this copy of Windows being installed on?
- 1 for both OEM and Retail.
Thank you, here is your reactivation key, either write this number down, or type it into the reactivation wizard on your PC.
You would have to be mentally handicapped to brick your copy of OEM windows through the reactivation phone line, and even then you would still have to try very hard to manage. I have no idea what happens if you answer the questions wrong, and I doubt anyone does.
I read somewhere that the questions are actually like this to allow people who upgrade their PCs easy reactivation, and Microsoft dont actually disallow an OEM copy to be reactivated on an upgraded computer, its just not allowed to be sold to another user or used on an entirely new PC.
People who say that an OEM cant be reactivated on a new mobo or hard drive are completely wrong. Microsoft make no effort at all to stop you from doing so.