
Ive got to ask you Penski......what sort of cars are you into? I think our tastes differ quite a bit, because by my standards, nearly all the cars you post are really not worthy of a thread (no offence meant).

Also, what is the deal with "rat look"? Is it just to have the most beaten up, rusty, etc car you can possibly own? What car do you drive Penski.
Rich1988 said:
whos car is it ?

It comes from down here, Thats a Victorian P plate and it says Vic on the number plate.
Those are Australian trees aswell.
I only just noticed all this was Australian then but had my suspicions that it came from here.

Penski probably found it in google images or another forum.
[TW]Fox said:
You do realise the earliest E39's are 10 years old, right?

That's why I put the more bit in, and they're only just hitting the ten years old mark...

Fact is though, you always say how you need to get an E39 now because in a few years time it'll just be an old BMW. It won't, it will still be the amazing car it is now. In fact the way things are going it will probably seem better than ever, especially in the design front. Just because a car is old doesn't make it bad. Sure they need a bit more looking after, but a great car today will still be very good in the future...
penski said:
Polished Mexican Hats, arch trims and furry seats?


Oooooh, yes.


I don't get it this version of 'cool'. Too lowered, chrome arch trims and furry seats :confused:
And you can keep your polished mexican hats :eek:

It could have been a nice classic merc :p
Well past it now, nothing on that car says 'wow' to me, maybe if it was a superb example with properly polished chrome but from the pics it just looks like a shed. I'd be interested to know what AMG internals it has too;)
I think its time this thread lived up to its name.



There we go.
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