Met David Cameron today!

29 Sep 2005
Well I took the morning off work to go back to my previous school for a guest visit!

I played with my old band and none-other-than David Cameron was there!

He made a joke about "hug a hoody" , he said that he never had the chance to hug anybody! lol

We played a radiohead song and he really enjoyed it. He came over to us when everyone had gone and talked with us for about 20mins - not bad considering his time is valuable.

He knew more about radiohead than me! He isn't as false as most politicians or at least thats the impression i got!

We then got the press interviewing us as we spoke to him and a few photos! Fame seems to follow me!

I also got another Dragons Den related interview tomorrow, marking my 35th press release!!

Beansprout said:
lolz at "photographers doing their job following the latest posterchild" = "fame" :p

Otherwise sounds like you had pretty good fun :cool:

hehe , Nah i mean since my Dragons Den event, which was Fame! :)
luckypapyrussam said:
You was on dragons den? :P have i missed something?

I did the Under 19 Live event, where I succeeded in gaining £85,000 investment from 4 investors and now work for one of the Investors as a MD trainee!

MY idea was the ergonomic, multi purpose footstool for low cost healthcare :)
Booner! said:
;) Next thing will be

STOP PRESS : Heat Magazine spots Booner! on beach with Cameron Diaz

Maybe not :D

Christ! I use to have a crush on a girl that looked like her twin, only much younger, that was big crush, too.
Did you ask him any awkward questons? They don't like it when you ask things that aren't scripted.

Fair play Camaroon is a ******.
Poncey toff. Back scratching Etonite. No policies. Likes self indulgent, wailing, miserable music.

He'll get my vote for sure.
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