Metal Gear Solid 4 New Trailer!

I look more forward to actually watching the cut-scenes than playing the game.

I've never found anything after MGS1 to be as gripping gameplay wise, but the cut-scenes have remained awesome.

One thing is the colours are very washed out. :confused:
I like the TGS 2006 more, it showed ingame footage and not just fancy cut sceens, the TGS 2006 gave you a good feel of what the game is going to be like and from watching that trailer (e3 2007) you thing its going to an action movie :( , where as the TGS 2006 really did feel like mgs, sneaking about battlefields but now you are trying not to be seen by boths side, i like the idea of that :)
cheets64 said:
After MGS1 just awful gameplay, If I want 100s of cut-scenes i will watch a movie.

ditto, i half enjoyed mgs2 but the amount of cutscenes in the game just take you completely out of the experience. ALL cutscenes should be in game and if possible they should go the half life 2 route and have cutscenes actually happen while your playing in control of the character.
Shamikebab said:
ALL cutscenes should be in game and if possible they should go the half life 2 route and have cutscenes actually happen while your playing in control of the character.

Narrative would suffer as would the entire mood of the scene. Camera angles have a huge part to play in creating cut scenes. It just wouldn't suit the cinematic MGS style.
I didn't find that the new video made my want this game at all.
Snake has to kill Liquid and it has Vamp in it, wow.
I guess I will have to wait and see what the final product is like. This was one of the games I bought my PS3 for.
NokkonWud said:

It's all too washed out colour wise, it looks just like Killzone.

That's just the mood of the environment. Dusty environments do look like that.

They've stated that most of the game won't actually take place in the middle east.
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