From issue 2512 of
New Scientist magazine, 13 August 2005, page 27
HYDROGEN has been touted as the pollution-free fuel of the future, except that producing it still involves burning fossil fuels. But now concentrated sunlight is being used to make hydrogen with far less pollution.
At the Weizmann Institute in Israel a 54-metre-high tower equipped with mirrors focuses sunlight down into a solar reactor. "We get 2000 times the normal sunlight concentration," says team member Christian Wieckert of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.
The researchers use the intense light to heat zinc oxide and wood charcoal to 1200°C. They react to form gaseous zinc and carbon monoxide, part of which is recycled and part burnt as fuel. The zinc is condensed into zinc powder that can either be used directly in zinc-air batteries or reacted with water to give hydrogen and zinc oxide, which can then be recycled.
"Now we can store and transport solar energy efficiently as zinc, and then convert it to hydrogen whenever we need it," says Wieckert.