Microprose is back!

Oh no... I just followed the Steam link and found F-19 Stealth Fighter is there! I wasted so much life on a mate's Amstrad somethinglessthen386 in the early 90s. I blame it for getting me into PCs just after I bought an Acorn A5000, and then for getting me on the upgrade treadmill that led me here.

Microprose has a lot to answer for... I'm not sure whether I'm glad they're back or not. I thought I'd weaned myself off sims now. Besides, the whole point of buying a Microprose sim was the thick manual. Stacking them up on the beside table was compulsory. I rarely read them (that's what the cardboard keyboard overlay was for!) but the idea I might read them made me warm and fuzzy.

Of course we have Pornhub now. The only keyboard overlay you need for that is a plastic bag.
... F-19 Stealth Fighter ...
Although F-15 Strike Eagle on the Spectrum was my first Microprose game in '87, Activision's Fighter Bomber and F-19 on the ST in '90 was what I played for hours on end.

I just want a somewhat realistic and enjoyable/playable fighter simulation again please!

E; I just recalled Tomahawk on the Spectrum was another game I loved, even with the crazy plastic lense software protection nonsense (LensLok)!
Was it one of the Microprose games (possibly F19 Stealth Fighter) that came with paper maps? I remember carefully marking out SAM & radar ranges on them in different coloured pencils :D
Microprose Soccer and Airborne Ranger on C64 were awesome, especially Airborne Ranger was ahead of its time for me with many mission objectives and planning.
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