Frankly only a couple people hit on the thing that really makes me cringe, its not the hating, its not the going to an event sponsored by a company you randomly(with zero logic involved) hate because its cool, its the random excuse for behaving like this that people seem to look for constantly.
I hate certain people other friends hang out with, but I don't stand there booing the guy if he's talking to my friend, I even make polite small talk with him. I don't feel the need to hurl abuse at someone just because I can. When the hell did that change, people can't just be nice at all, its mob mentality going overboard, they clearly couldn't possibly hate this individual person, its just a mob blindly focusing hate and rage and picking any random target and thinking up an excuse. These people were having FUN abusing someone and thats the part that makes me disgusted.
It has nothing to do with MS to be honest, a group like that would have found any excuse to get rowdy and nasty to someone.
hell theres one guy in this thread going out of his way to find excuses why MS deserved it, "they had nothing to do with it, they didn't sponsor it, blah blah blah". IF MS had charged £30 for the event, and charged the organise for every xbox, and overcharged them for supplying the food etc, etc, thats still not even close to a reason for them to do what they did. If that guy came out, and attacked a guy, or said he loved Osama bin Laden, then they'd have an excuse.
Its really disturbing how bad people are getting in the uk, happy for any excuse to behave like this in general.