Yes you will, every time you query the AI. This is because each query randomly generates a 10-digit seed number. When I'm generating results, I make a note of the seed number if I want to generate the exact same image and make minor modifications. Easiest way is to just CTRL-V it into the filename you're saving. It's like an encryption key, in that without this number, you won't be able to get the same result because 10 digits = 1 billion possible outcomes, so it's highly unlikely you'll hit the same number twice. So knowing the seed number is useful if you want to tweak your outcome e.g. changing the tie colour in the above
@Bubo Michael Heseltine post or changing a parameter. Note that if you change the resolution, even if it's relative e.g. 512x512 to 768x768, you'll get a completely different result.