Midland Meet Info Chat Just get the **** inside

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Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England

So a Midland meet

Start point would be The Longshoot A5 - Very easy to find from every direction.
Start point linky - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place...1s0x487750306fe3a9b7:0x5fd47438c83dc066?hl=en

We can finish up here like we did last time as they do good food & it'll be an easy Hit Home button for your home journey. Nice big car park.

Plan is to meet up then head up the A444 (Of course :D) & on up to Matlock, I'll do a few reccy runs & Dan hopefully will come as he will know that manor well.

Arriving here - Linky -https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/M...83dc066!2m2!1d-1.419998!2d52.536439!3e0?hl=en
Will put us right on the edge of the peak district - Meca :D Prob take us an hour an a half to get from the Longshoot to Matlock so a drink toilet break fuel & then into the Peak District.
I'm going to suss out the route between Longshoot & Matlock so I'm hoping somebody can take lead from Matlock Onwards.


How soon do you want to meet ? We can float it over 2 weekends to make sure we get a good day ? Say either the last Sunday of April & the First Sunday in March then we can see how the weather goes & move it to the best Sunday out of the 2.

This thread is just the feeler thread to see whose up for it & what you think & to get the best day/weekend.
I might be up for meeting at Matlock for the 2nd half as I'd be hitting it from the north.
Looking at the map again it would be better for us to head to Ashbourne from the way we are coming & then drop into the Park from there.

Here = https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/5...83dc066!2m2!1d-1.419998!2d52.536439!3e0?hl=en

Like I said though this thread is for Ideas Options Whatevers.

I said End of March in my OP I mean end Of April or Beginning of May if that's no good we can go 2nd Sunday May 3rd Whatever suits the most of us. :)
We could get to Ashbourne then take the A515 to Buxton then take the A6 back to Matlock, Looks pretty damn epic on the Map but a local can correct me.
Nice run but it has to be a circuit then we have a rally point & the option of others joining us along the way & nobody gets took out to far & left to come back alone.
I'm already going on the A444 - A511 - A515 - Buxton - A6 - Matlock run first chance I get to check it out. I never realised it was such a straight forward run.
I'll be up for this. The only weekend I'm definitely not available for is 17th & 18th May as I'm going for a weekend meet in Wales.
:( sad face, Matlock is midweek destination for me, I know a nice route upto Miami beach, about a 3hr trip to the east coast.

Count me in though :)
Meet us at Ashbourne SPG or just pick your own route to the A5 start point then leave us when we get to Matlock.

Nothing is set in stone here, This is just the Fridge door for Ride out stickys. :D
I should be up for this. At least the second bit if nothing else :)

Ashbourne's not a bad call for a stop. Public loos near the Market Place and various cafes/chippy's. The Market Place itself can be used for parking (https://goo.gl/maps/5RsZ0) but it's cobbled, so careful where you put your side stand ;) And you can't go wrong on the A515 all the way into Buxton really, cracking road for all abilities. Though they have been adding more and more solid white lines to it over recent years. Still plenty of opportunities to "make progress" though ;)

You aren't all that far from the infamous Cat & Fiddle (https://goo.gl/maps/aKRsu) once you're in Buxton really, but it's the opposite way from the A6 route back to Matlock... Of course, rather than stop in Buxton, could take a slightly different route just off the A515 and stop at the Cat & Fiddle instead, then head back towards the A6 via Buxton etc.

The A6 is mostly single carriageway but still plenty of overtaking opportunities and nice scenery.

Matlock Bath is the place you'd probably want to stop (or at least ride through), being the local biker mecca. If the weather is good it's generally absolutely heaving with bikes though, so parking can be tricky, especially for a large group. We normally park in car park next to the Mining Museum (https://goo.gl/maps/dUcbD). Pay & Display but I've never paid for a ticket yet.

Generally when we head out that way now we avoid Matlock Bath itself (or just ride through) and stop off just up the road at the Woodside Café (https://goo.gl/maps/Fzn6S). Nice big car park, food, tea/coffee, portaloo out back. Via Gellia is a great ride from there back to the A515 also, if you were heading back towards Ashbourne etc.

Few more things to mull over anyway :)
If you went with the Ashbourne to Cat & Fiddle idea, this would be my proposed route: https://goo.gl/maps/EJgZA

You could do the actual Cat & Fiddle run first (A537), do it in reverse, then stop at the Cat & Fiddle pub. Or stop at the pub first etc.

Then maybe something like this to bring you back to Matlock Bath/Via Gellia: https://goo.gl/maps/cTVEL

But whatevs, just throwing out possibilities ;)
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Hmm... Cat & Fiddle is somewhere I tend to avoid. If you've never ridden it you may enjoy it, depending on the number of pillocks around or if you get stuck behind a caravan.
Just chucked it out there since we'd already be close and it's a fairly well known biker road (especially after the recent video). Could just stop in Buxton of course if no ones interested :)
We'll have to see who wants to come as chaps from further afield might feel the need to Cat & Fiddle it.
Threads already full of info so between us we'll make the right choice to suit us all. :)
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