Might be a stupid question to ask...

19 Oct 2002
Might be a stupid question to ask, but can i do the following to save a lot of time, i think i should be able to, want confirmation thou, i have a 2TB mechanical drive with assigned letter G, full of all sorts of games and programs etc(that obviously will have registry entries), and i have a 4TB ssd assigned letter F, so what i want to do is, copy all of the stuff from my old G drive, over to my F ssd, and then just change the letter on my ssd to G, and then take out my old hard drive, so preserving registry stuff etc, will this work ok, i think it should, thx
I shall be interested to know this as well. I know there is software to clone drives. I don't think it is as simple as literally select all cut and paste.

Will the demo of this work?
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Thx for reply, yeh i know of all this sort of software, but its not that i really need to know, its about the drive letter change i need to know really, as i am not just cloning to a new drive, i am wanting to chane drive letters so i dont have to reinstall everything.
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Can't see any reason for that not to work. There used to be a few programs that locked to their install positions on the disk so couldn't be moved but that was decades ago and I don't think there's anything that stupid these days.
Thx for all the reply's guys, yes it did work all fine, thx, but have a problem with the samsung 870 evo ssd, looks like a known problem, all corrupted stuff on drive, so having to request rma, what a flaff to go through thou.
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