I love the MM, all other mice seem clunky in comparison. Weird how we are all different.
To clean the ball, turn it off or unplug it and then vigorously rub it on a lint free cloth whilst upside down. I find the leg of one's jeans works very well.
Thing is on my Pc I really like the functions the buttons at your thumb gives you, I had mine so i could close windows and flick forward and back web pages, is their anways to get these kinda functions for the Mac?
MX518 is a great mouse for gaming! I used that and the older model 510 for years ad loved them!
Cant use a MM myself but I love Logitech mice. They seem to be more for people who like to rest their palm on the mouse whereas MS ones are for finger people! Love my MX Revolution!
I'm on my second Mighty Mouse (Bluetooth) but the first one was replaced at an Apple Store since even the Genius couldn't get the scroll ball to work again. The only reason I still have this one was because I opened the thing up to actually clean the scroll mechanism properly (it was out of warranty anyway).
That's what you get for putting something at the top of a mouse that 20 odd years ago was taken off the bottom. And you can't even easily clean this one!
I like the mouse in principle, but with the damn scroll ball you're paying £50 to have a mouse that works for about a year.
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