Mighty Mouse....cant....do it....any...more!!!!

I've finally had enough of the my wireless mighty mouse.

Going to get a revolution! If only my G7 was supported under OS X, the mouse acceleration is unbearable!
For all of you having problems with the Mighty Mouse ball:

- Take a soft clothes
- Spray some alcohol on it
- Flip your mouse upside down and quickly roll the ball against the clothes

Should work fine after that. Common Mighty Mouse problem, easily fixable.

That does work for a little while, then you have to buy a new one.
Steermouse might be of interest. :)

I think i have used steermouse before but i remember not being able to map the other buttons correctly.

The G7 is currently working alright at the moment for some reason, i have turned down the tracking speed down in system pref and up on the mouse.
I have a G7 and Steermouse brings mine up to speed, with what it is like in Windows. Otherwise it's deadly slow and gives me a bit of the old wrist ache.
The Mighty Mouse needs to die.

Its like using a bar of soap to navigate an OS.

Sucks so much. My Mac Pro cost £1500 odd and comes with a mouse that you couldn't pay someone to take off of your hands.

You suck for not throwing out the mighty mouse when you opened the box.

A decent Logitech G5 is all you need if you want a good wired mouse :cool:
I don't rate the keyboard either. It's alright to use (for a non-ergonomic), but white on silver looks gash.
I don't rate the keyboard either. It's alright to use (for a non-ergonomic), but white on silver looks gash.

I never understood the whole White/Silver mix when the logo and rear panel of the iMac (which was the first machine to sport the new design) are black.

A Silver/Black combo would be much more inline with the notebooks :p
That's also why woofter-white earphones with the iPhone are bad. The accessory appearance is lagging behind the products
Could it be:

"WWDC: The spotlight turns to headphones"

"Now in glossy iBlack"
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