Milkyway@home - July update No.2

18 Oct 2002

Team rank (Total Credit)________________Team Rank (Recently Awarded Credit-RAC)

So, whats happened since the last update, well quite a bit ....again :D

cyclo's output has gone stratospheric with his RAC now passing 205k :eek:, which in a couple of days should see him make
the world's top 50 for RAC, way to go fella :)
A big addition to the team this time in the shape of a returner - shaf*, I hope we can hold on to you this time :D
shaf* also brought quite a large stash with him, which is nice, giving the team a sizable jump in the stats - thanks mate.
The result of all this has almost doubled our RAC making team overtake stats look very interesting indeed.
The new Milkyway@home news post has been delayed due to problems with stats, Berserker has something in the pipeline
that could help so I look forward to that.
As always, a big welcome to all our new joiners :)

Total credit 108,689,412
Recent average credit 461,592

Teams in our sights (days)

Austria National Team 0.5
Suomen Silakat 4.2
mato 30.9
boo7kg 68.1
SETI@Netherlands 99.5
Digital Recon 101
I could go on :D

One's to watch out for 41.5

Member Milestones

200 Santoni
10,000 Marine Iguana
20,000 Andrew
30,000 TheTross, ToxicTBag
40,000 ReaVerUK
200,000 pnutty
300,000 Aarron
450,000 Berserker, kolala
13,000,000 cyclo :eek:

To post your Tiffy's go here and click on your name, then follow the links at the bottom of the page.

Many thanks go to Berserker for providing this service at his own cost.

New Members

Marine Iguana

Sig image's for forum usage should you require one, if you need any help setting it up all you need do is ask :)



* Join now​
* Milkyway@home runs a lot faster on ATI GPU's, it does work on nvidia GPU's (min. GTX260) but you would be better off running SETi@Home
on that hardware if you want to get the very best out of it, having said that a new application could be released at any
time that could change that situation.
Thanks halz, much appreciated :)

Ooh, look what turned up a couple of days ago:



FAO ToxicTBag: you'd better get a move on lad, because otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to stomp you again :p
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:D You go ahead and stomp away TT, am just doing enough to keep me off the bottom of the table until 2 rigs peak in next few days then i can figure out how much time to dev to milkyway.:D
Thanks for the news Halz and well done to cyclo on that mighty tiffy :D
Have a new gfx card for seti arriving soon which will mean 1 more cpu devoted to MW..
Its going to be slow and steady for me until I upgrade my rig early next year, put a radeon 6000 in it and then watch me climb :D
Yes I've been slacking !

I've just reinstalled the 4770 now why is the cpu also crunching ? :o Anyone know how to turn it orf ? :D

CPU crunching dents your daily RAC - trust me I've done the maths ;)
Well guessed, sir!

In theory at least, PPD and RAC should converge over time, but they often don't for reasons beyond your control (e.g. project outages).
Well guessed, sir!

In theory at least, PPD and RAC should converge over time
Thanks. Mathematically, I guess it would depend how long the "average" is taken over in the "recently averaged credit" and whether you'd been consistent each day. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how many days the RAC's "average" is based on? Maybe the last week, or month? :)
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