Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

still cant see where i am and with the last roll back i dont even know if i am where i was when the map was taken, damn it, will have to try again tomorrow night, sorry guys, bit of a pain really >.<.
Server had roll back again, I understand by what players are saying on the server that this is a host MP problem & not a minecraft one.
So if its not fixed in the next few days & we keep on getting roll backs I will be shutting the server down.
Also windle's server has had 10+ players on with no roll backs at all.
I will only rent a server form MP as they are easy to manage, it starts getting stressful whe players start losing there work.
I have sent MP a ticket about it so it's in there hands now. If it gets no better then maybe windle will be happy to host the OcUK server.
Cheers garsands :D

Could you please upload the old map to dropbox or somewhere similar so we can download it and use it locally? Not sure if you have already done this as I haven't had access to a pc for a while.

Thanks :D

Merry Christmas everybody!
Raaaaaaaaaaagh, been playing on my server for last couple hours. Dug a nice big pit mine, got lots of iron and gold and diamond. Dig through the bottom straight into a massive lava lake, 2 hours work lost.

We've found the proposed area for the new spawn and set up base next to the open lava pit ready to start building :)

Here's the map annotated with the locations:

Reaction and I have created a little safe haven next to the lava pool with a few essential resources.

Vincent, I think this was the place you got to last night with the burning trees, check it out and let us know what you think.

Got a good mornings mining in lots of res gathered :d

also set up a temporary store room/furnace/workshop in a cave by the arch.

only thing is who ever built the little glass thing at the top of it would it be possible for you to move into the big canyon thing though to the left?
well done hegemon/reaction, that's exactly the place! i was right next to it before the server rolled back and then i got blown up by a creeper and then i was lost lol, thanks for finding it.
Spawn looks great, this is the area I claimed last night for my building bits

I've made a google doc file that we can use to show people where our stuff is. This isn't meant to be used as an official marker of what area belongs to you, just as a way of keeping track of who your neighbours are and a map if you want to get to other peoples stuff.

Only downside is that it cant take images larger than 2000x2000 so I had to downsize the original map.

Link is here:
My server is still running, just waiting on someone responding to my ticket with the host as the hey0 update doesn't seem to work atm.
30 mins i think, however long it took to dig a stair case and put stair blocks in to bedrock level and dig out a 40x40x4 room :(
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