Haha, do you need an office on the ground floor of the super skyscraper ?
Good job finishing the flooring last night lads. We got fed up of the lag and logged eventually. Will have to start filling it soon, I will try to get on after work and mark out the layout of each floors apartments !
Am I the only person in the server that doesn't know how to dupe?
The huge **** on the server you will not be seeing it around anymore it has been banned, Andy was last seen man handing it.
Huh? Whose that.
Also thanks for the lovely person that keeps griefing our building.
Could I rent 2 floors?
1 for office space, reception, meetings etc - the other to be for the workhouse with the ovens and stockroom for orders.
Once the floors are layed out, we will see what we can do, I am not promising 2 floors though.
We will be digging down eventually so maybe workhouse underground will be possible ?
1 will be OK actually, that will be the City Head Office for the big wigs - Can you kit it out as well? Big table with chairs and an obsidian screen, maybe a water feature too?
Im building a Office/Workroom near the spawn to start with - ill probably need to rent rail space as well for the couriers....
This trade lark best kick off and be amazing or all my plans will be ruined and ill look like a right tit
Huh? Whose that.
Also thanks for the lovely person that keeps griefing our building.
iNPUT have it protected
Also I think its down to some sad jealous member(s) as your teams work is very good.
That video is lulz!
and honestly, probably would have taken just as long to cut down all those trees with axes as rebuild the house, so thanks very much for rebuilding it for us!