Minecraft/Tekkit server woes.

26 Feb 2007
Hi All,

I'm hoping someone can help as after five hours of google searching I'm not really any further on.

My goal is to run a small minecraft (modded to Tekkit) server for a myself and a few friends. I had it running on my Windows 8.1 laptop pretty well but thought I'd dig out my old mini-itx media PC so that I can run it 24/7 more easily.

I'd lost my Win7 key so thought I'd give Ubuntu a go as I'd had some fun with it a few years ago, it's reliable, cheap (free!) and apparently runs the server more smoothly.

So I've installed version 14.04.2 onto my server via a USB memory stick, followed the install instructions, which basically involve -

- install java runtime 7

- extract the server software into a folder

- edit two files to allow them to run as programs

- edit the launch.sh file to use the correct amount of RAM

- run launch.sh from terminal

And.... I get the message "unable to access jarfile tekkit.jar".

My launch.sh file contains

java -Xmx2G -Xms1G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui

Does anyone have any ideas?

I have managed to get the server running ONCE, and this was after using the CHOWN command on either (sorry I can't remember) the .jar file itself, or the entire directory. 'Great' I thought, but after restarting the machine I'm back to where I began and using the CHOWN command doesn't seem to be having the same effect.

It's obviously (probably) an ownership/permission problem, but I just can not seem to find it.

I'm a willing novice at Linux, so sorry if this post is a bit thickheaded, but my mind has turned to mush after an evening battling this damn problem!

Any help is much appreciated, for now I'll keep hammering away at the CHOWN command..
It has been a long time since I looked at this/Minecraft server stuff but if you're getting unable to access errors I would guess it's down to permissions (and now I just read the second part of your post where you've already worked this out :p).

From memory when setting up an MC server I would do the following:

1) Set up java to run under a regular user. Fairly standard stuff for installing java.
2) Create a user for the MC server.
3) In the home directory of said user, install the server and download all the supporting stuff.
4) Create startup scripts in that user's crontab to start the server.
5) Double-triple be paranoid about things and chown the entire homedir with the same user.

That might not be much help but it's a relatively clean approach.
Just a shot in the dark.
Your command comments on Tekkit.jar and you also mention tekkit.jar
May be worth confirming the casing.

CD to the folder that contains telkit.jar and do an ls -lah to show permissions on the file.
Thanks both.

It seems it was a mixture of ownership, and and as you say Steve the actual file I'm trying to access.

Both of which returned the same error of 'unable to access'.

Do fix it I've had to put the entire directory in to the comments, even though launch.sh is in the same directory as tekkit.jar (I tried both casings to no avail.

So now I can run the server, my next problem is that it is dumping the created server files in to 'home' rather than my server dir. I have found a guide here, although I can't get permission to edit the file I make in /opt/tekkit_server, and when I chown it (using sudo) I can't save it...

I am thinking of doing a fresh Ubuntu install, following your advice FrenchTart and sorting permissions early on, as I've obviously missed out a step somewhere and am reaping the rewards!

On a side note, I am struggling to see the point of Ubuntu, I've spend more than half my time in terminal, only really using the gui to edit files as it's quicker than gedit or whatever.

Is there a better version of linux I could be using, a purely command line driven one? Although now I've spent so much time hammering this server into shape it might be a pain to move now!!
Right, so MineOS is installed and after beating my head against a brick wall I've given up trying to move my old world onto the server, I get a nullpointerexception error if I do but if I use a new world it's fine.

This has taken quite some time...
Didnt reslise you were using desktop ubuntu. You could have used ubuntu server version which is cli only and i think has a webmin plugin to run a minecraft server or alternatively a step further back into debian which is the "parent" of ubuntu.
Ahah, no just downloaded the least scary looking one!

Mineos seems to be working great now, shall leave it on this until I want to run another service (if I ever do) and then will go for a proper version of linux.

Cheers for the help guys.
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