You're safe.
Thanks. Just looks naff and then add the PSU cable out the back and the thing can't sit very far back on a desk, can it?
ADDED Q: It looks like the lip under the 5.25 bay is perfectly positioned to stop you fitting 2 SSDs under the 5.25 (you can fit them above but not below) so you have to turn the SSD to be able to fit a single one. Stupid if that is the case. I wonder if the lip could be cut off and then you can get 2 SSDs under 5.25 and the 3.5 on the floor - Thoughts?
check that link
Gives you an idea of how many ssd's can be fitted. They can be put in under the ODD bay, also can.t put it flush to the wall as power cord will stick out but you cant really have any pc case flush against the wall can you?