UPDATE 3/11/13
With the dash made. it needed to be fitted to the bike. This was done with a couple of simple brackets which were bolted in place. I mixed up some araldite, applied to the brackets and used clothes pegs to clamp the dash in place.
The screen was glued in place in the same way with some brackets, so that it can be removed if necessary, The end result looks like this.
A view through the screen (screen decals have now been added too)
Now it was time to tackle the paint work finish ... It's no good paying for all that paint and leave it all unfinished, otherwise it'll look crap, All the panels have now been Lacquered but after lacquering you'll be left with something like this :
Under close scrutiny it has that horrible orange peel effect, Here's how I got rid of it.
The tank/seat unit was dragged into the kitchen sink and sanded down with 2500 grade wet and dry, (THE LACQUER HAS TO BE HARD WAIT AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE DOING THIS)
You'll notice some washing up liquid, this just lubricates the wet and dry. Dunno if this helps with the finish but it feels better :naughty:
after a quick going over you'll see this : The low spots are still shiny
So we keep going until that lacquer is "flat" (no low spots) Don't go mad with this you're only sanding the lacquer, we don't want to sand through it into the paint. This is what you'll be left with
So now we have a nice flat finish it's time to polish it back up, I've used Meguires products, I'm sure there's other brands but used this because they have an excellent reputation. I don't have a polishing machine, So I have used a polishing mop that fits into an electric drill (a couple of quid from Halfords)
First I have used a cutting compound, this will get rid of the sand paper marks.
The mop has been rinsed out in cold water and used when wet (extra lube) Don't dwell in one area keep the mop moving.
I rinsed out the mop again and repeated this process with the finishing polish. This is how that area ended up like, I've left the top of the tank "flat" for comparison
The other panels have been done too, here's the top/ nose cone fairing all assembled and polished ready to fit onto the bike. Sander from Mod With Me has sent through the last of the decals and it finishes off the panels quite nicely. Top work from Sander, he's had to put up with a lot from me So a huge thanks man :thumb: I'm very happy.
Ohh go on then another pic of that assembly
I have some really good news, EK Water Blocks are sponsoring me with a new block they have coming out. A big thanks to you guys.
I look forward to sharing with you what EK is about to release and the build will be complete by the end of the month.