Mirrored RAID, whats yours for?

20 Aug 2004
Ok I have 3x 250gb hds and a while back I had 2 of them in a striped raid, this was great and fast etc, but I didnt keep it that way cause I didnt trust it. HDs dont seam to last as long as I would like and between me and a friedn tehres been 4 hd failures since jan. These each resulting in a few hundred gb lost. So I am thinking now that I am fed up of reffering to the 2great hd crash of '06" whenever anyone asks why half my media is corrupted, and half missing. So I am going to set up a mirrored array.

Yes this loses me 250gb of storage, but with the added security I will hopefully not have to panick constantly about what I put on it.

So the question is, firstly do you think this is a good idea, and secondly if you have a mirrored, whats on yours that you deam vital enough to halve your capacity to protect?
I boot off RAID1. Why? Simple, 250Gb drives are £50. It would take more than £50 of my time to recover from a drive failure.

The important stuff is a different matter entirely, it's on RAID5 and two DVDs with one being off site.
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