Mirror's Edge 2

15 Jan 2004
So it's coming.





DICE Press Release said:
The new Mirror's Edge reboots the franchise for the next generation with advanced visuals and an all-new origin story for Faith. Powered by DICE's proprietary Frostbite™ technology, the game will be heading to Xbox One®, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PlayStation®4, and PC.

Website: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/

Release date: "When it's ready"
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i dont care when it comes to pc as long as it DOES :)

The first game i still love playing, i love the style of the world and cant wait for this
Oh My God! Just tell me how much money you want, I don't care!!!!!!!

Here, take my wallet; have my house, no, my wife !!
My gf thought I was watching dirty things again becuase of the noises I was making, then she laughed.

Little did she know, I was aroused.
Those graphics, especially the PhysX stuff, looks incredible.

At this point I would say almost certainly pre-rendered.

However the first game managed to look amazing due to its art style alone, something they seem to be carrying through to this one, so I'm certainly not worried about its looks.
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