Mirrors Edge 2

If it had that kind of content, then I might have been more interested in it. Unless there's changes along those lines, then I doubt it'll be for me. Shame, because I liked the look of the first.

I think part of the problem was like with BF4 with the Frostbite engine the engine underneath (EDIT: Or atleast what Dice did with it) was very very broken and they hid that away by limiting what you could do, etc. working around bugs and crashes by preventing you doing stuff or taking content out that would cause them rather than fix the problems and so on.

With Frostbite under the skin of Mirrors Edge 2 I think it has the potential to be a whole new experience:cool: hopefully expanding on the original premise:)

I'm less than inspired given how broken the FB engine is with BF4 - even just moving over simple objects causes problems with the player movement code :S
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I think part of the problem was like with BF4 the Frostbite engine underneath was very very broken and they hid that away by limiting what you could do, etc. working around bugs and crashes by preventing you doing stuff or taking content out that would cause them rather than fix the problems and so on.

I think Mirrors Edge was a UE3 title:)
This E3 seems to have so many great games to both introduce and elaborate on:cool:

Mirrors Edge really surprised me and didn't get the recognition it truly deserved in my opinion. I also loved the soundtrack! hoping for a reprise of Still Alive:cool:

Yeah, a fantastic song.

Looking forward to this - providing that online component is done correctly.
Yeah, a fantastic song.

Looking forward to this - providing that online component is done correctly.

Yeah it still does the rounds in my playlist now and then... adds to play list:D

Yeah edited my post immediatly after posting as I'd forgotten for a moment.

As Dice are involved and/or the FB engine I'm gonna be extremely cautious in approach to the game.

Please think positive thoughts Rroff! As most titles I'm looking forward to are Frostbite Titles:eek::D (DA: Inquisition please be as amazing as you appear to be:o:D)
Yeah it still does the rounds in my playlist now and then... adds to play list:D

Please think positive thoughts Rroff! As most titles I'm looking forward to are Frostbite Titles:eek::D (DA: Inquisition please be as amazing as you appear to be:o:D)

Sorry but I find it hard to think positive in regards to Dice and/or the Frostbite engine - I've got dozen of videos from BF4, some uploaded to my youtube channel, showing shoddy engine and game level development even what has to be basic rookie programming errors in utility functions, etc. etc. basic errors in player move code, hit detection and so on as well as game level implemenation bugs like weapon attachment behaviour randomly inverting, dozens of bugs with the revive code, blah blah well anyone can search youtube and find dozens of examples of the myriad of bugs with the engine and game.

I also spent quite awhile abusing the **** out of the original mirrors edge doing stuff that wasn't entirely intended and got to see just how shoddy the coding was there to (unfortunatly don't have videos of the broken stuff).

Suffice to say I'd run a mile before developing a game on FB personally and/or would approach any Dice game with a lot of caution.

EDIT: I've always found their games/engines push things forward visually and have decent attention to detail/do the "big" features well but the basic glue code at game and engine level has always been rotten - they need to take the people responsible for those bits out the back and shoot them.
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I have to admit, overall, Mirrors Edge is probably up there as one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences ever, despite the clunky combat.
I loved the aesthetic of it, and the first 1/2 to 2/3 of the original were absolutely brilliant. It devolved a bit at the end, the free running fell away.

Very stoked, the first one is a favorite of mine
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