Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Sign-ups begin for Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Closed Beta

It’s amazing to think that Mirror’s Edge came out almost nine years ago. It’s even more incredible to think that the beta for its sequel – MIrror’s Edge: Catalyst – has only just become available for sign-ups.
PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC owners can now put their name down for a place on the Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst closed beta, which will become available at some time between now and when the game is supposed to be released in May.
Signing up in no way guarantees a place in the beta, but not signing up guarantees you don’t stand a chance. Of course, the beta will run through the Origin service on PC, just for those people who want a little bit of extra excitement tied into this announcement.
Mirror’s Edge was a quiet hit when it was first released back in 2007. Lots of people loved it, at least when it was £3 in the bargain bin six months after release. But that cult following has turned into a lot of interest in this prequel/reboot/sequel.
In Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst we’ll get to learn Faith’s origin story, but personally all I want to know is how she manages to stay on those high buildings without feeling queasy. She’ll take on a bunch of corporations who’ve taken control of her city, using nothing but really, really fast running and an occasional bit of violence.
To put your name down for the beta, click here. EA and DICE also shared a new story trailer, by the way.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/signups-mirrors-edge-catalyst-closed-beta/#ixzz3zIhjboS0
Some red flags that pop up immediately:
- They've prettified Faith up so she now looks like an asian supermodel. Why was that necessary?
- Mention of a "combat system". The original game got away with a very bare-bones combat system, because if you got into a fight, it was because you screwed up somewhere. In fact, the worst part of the original game was that one bit where you were forced into combat. The game's supposed to be about running, not fighting.
- It's an open sandbox game world now?

So yeah, I'm reserving judgement on this one, and refusing to board the hype train. It may turn out to be a spectacular game, I really hope it does. But from the trailers, it doesn't really seem like Mirror's Edge any more, it's a completely different game that reuses characters and settings.
Some red flags that pop up immediately:
- They've prettified Faith up so she now looks like an asian supermodel. Why was that necessary?
- Mention of a "combat system". The original game got away with a very bare-bones combat system, because if you got into a fight, it was because you screwed up somewhere. In fact, the worst part of the original game was that one bit where you were forced into combat. The game's supposed to be about running, not fighting.
- It's an open sandbox game world now?

So yeah, I'm reserving judgement on this one, and refusing to board the hype train. It may turn out to be a spectacular game, I really hope it does. But from the trailers, it doesn't really seem like Mirror's Edge any more, it's a completely different game that reuses characters and settings.

I'd kind of like it to be more of an open world environment with the options of run or fight - I wasn't hugely into the running aspect of the original but it was fun for that in parts but I also felt they'd really missed the opportunities to really immerse yourself in some parts where they'd either built up a really great environment/ambience or an area that would be fun for a bit of combat but you never had the chance to make the most of it.

Agree strongly with the prettified bit though the original look had character the new look just doesn't have it.
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That looks fantastic and to echo the above comments, despite it flaws and some average reviews at the time, I enjoyed the first. The only thing I couldn't get on with in the original was the wall running and jumping mid wall run. For some reason, I found it difficult with M&KB.

I also agree that the combat is very much secondary in this game. It's all about parkour and whilst an open world should make it better, it could make it worse. Looks good though.

Time to replay the original methinks.
Apart from the new Faith, I'm quite excited about this and I actually think the transition to open world and the implementation of a combat system (quick and effective CQC moves would work brilliantly here) will help to flesh out the game and make it a vastly better experience (if they don't **** it up, that is). The first one carried a lot of unrealised potential, it was too short and confined to truly make its gameplay mechanics shine. Making it open world, adding side activities and polishing the core experience could result in Catalyst being the ultimate parkour playground.
Great game so far!

Graphics seem a bit bugged and it doesn't run as smooth as what it should, FPS fluctuates a fair bit, should run a lot better with the final version.

21.9 support too :cool:
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