Miss England- Having a laugh?

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TBH i dont think shes THAT good looking, i wouldn't say she was ugly though. Maybe she is not "Miss England" material, but she must have had some votes to get through her town/city/county stage?

Good on her for trying anyway

I wouldnt exactly say size 16 is fat, ok she is overweight im not saying she isnt, but there are a lot of people much bigger than her, fair enough they dont try and win "Miss England" but some of the comments in this thread seem a little OTT, such as "actually feeling sick" how do you walk round town or whatever if you feel physically sick seeing someone overweight, especially if size 16 is classed as "fat"?

Looks and size arent everything, maybe for a beauty contest yes, but in real life, there are other things much more important
I've dated men before that weren't good looking. I'm a size 8 but still worry about what I look like. I used to be really skinny in my late teens/early 20's but I still thought I was fat at the time. I've looked back at photos of me and realised I was actually far too thin. My husband says the same now, he thought I was too thin then and was glad when I put a little weight on.
I think I have every right to say that, if I recall from pics you're pretty, and healthy bod. Yet you don't date ugly fat people. So if you were fat and ugly then it's only right that handsome blokes shouldn't give you the time of day..and should only score with Ron Jeremy look alikes.

Okay. I believe from the depths of my heart that child abuse and child pornography is wrong.

Yet. I have never experienced child abuse personally.

Am I wrong in believing that?

I dated a dancer once. She was very.. pliable.

Yeah i dated one once.....splits up the wall.......now that is what im onabout, she was a size 8 and 5.10" personally that looks right to me, thats what i would consider to be right size for height. The one in the orignal post looks overweight to me. Fair enough if she is happy with that than i am, so what if she looks like that, as long as she is happy, i dont get the big deal here!!
... bwuh?!

Sorry - you'll have to read the comments between badbob and I for that to make sense.

Basically as a summary, because I am "pretty" and have never dated "ugly" nor "obese" men I don't have the right to say what I have been saying.

Which is a load of pants :) (hence my post above)

*edit* Unless I have completely misinterpreted what Badbob is saying then my bad... but that's how I've read it!
Sorry - you'll have to read the comments between badbob and I for that to make sense.

Basically as a summary, because I am "pretty" and have never dated "ugly" nor "obese" men I don't have the right to say what I have been saying.

Which is a load of pants :) (hence my post above)

*edit* Unless I have completely misinterpreted what Badbob is saying then my bad... but that's how I've read it!

why haven't you dated obese men though is it because their ugly and obese?
Basically as a summary, because I am "pretty" and have never dated "ugly" nor "obese" men I don't have the right to say what I have been saying.

You're just a hypocrite then. You have no problem saying that women have a right to be fat (and I presume to date handsome blokes) as long as a fat and ugly man doesn't come within 200 paces of you.
No because I was attracted to their personality.

Don't forget that men can only ever be attracted to stunning looks and great norks and bums!

Physical attraction is helpful but in a long term relationship it is the more unquantifiable things (personality, sense of humour, the ability to "click") that mean a lot more.
Basically as a summary, because I am "pretty" and have never dated "ugly" nor "obese" men I don't have the right to say what I have been saying.

Well he does have a point. You don't date large men because you find them unattractive, how is that different from these guys saying they wouldn't date her?
How come on the news we're always told that women are anorexic, because supermodels are so thin and that's what men find attractive when...

Supermodels are pretty much all chosen by women, and not seen that often by men as most of the time they are advertising cloths etc to women,

Now, lets look at porn stars (as if we needed an excuse :p) pretty much all of them are chosen by men and looked at by men, and are found attractive by men, now how come almost none of them are the stick insects that women always say men find attractive?

That is a VERY good point.....oh and really good thread diversion there :D
I think she is gorgeous.

When you guys get older you'll learn not to be so shallow.

Certainly not disgusting being honest I'd rather have her than a kate moss anyday.
Jesus im never gonna find a bloke who accepts me if the comments in this thread are anything to go by.

My names Knip, im a size 12 on the top and 14 on the bottom, and (shock horror) I have cellulite and wobbly bits!
Does that make me fat? No
Could I do with toning up a bit? Probably, but I sure as hell wouldnt do it for a bloke and am quite happy with the way I am.

Go on then ridicule me, that girl in the OP is a darn site braver than I am, cos I hate taking my clothes off in front of anyone, (and im smaller than she is, heck id love her boobs, mine hardly exist) let alone posing for a picture that millions of people are going to see. The reason I have the insecurities I have are clearly shown in this thread.
why haven't you dated obese men though is it because their ugly and obese?

No! Not at all! *confession* I used to REALLY fancy this bloke at school - would crack me up like mad and I would always be smiling around him. And he was huuuuuuge! Bit wibberly belly that would wobble when he laughed!

Sadly, for me though, I couldn't date him. He was gay :p

I may date ugly men! I don't know! You might think Pickers is ugly - but I think he's GOOOOOOORGEOUS! (I expect some loving for that later Picky)

If there was an "obese" guy I knew and really liked and enjoyed the company of... and Picky and I split.... and he asked me out for a drink... I would say YAAAAAY! I wouldn't say "nooo you're fat I'm not going on a date with you!" I would miss out on a potentially great evening of fun if I did! And why would you want to do that?!

What on earth does this have to do with the thread?! *seems slightly derailed*

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