Hey guys, my girfriend and I got our hosue together about 6 weeks ago, so its now looking for 2 kitties time! We've checked aroudn the ocal RSPCA, and are looking on gumtree, a few other places etc.. to try and find the kitties we'd like!
We saw a litter of 4, thinking we could maybe decide between 2 of them, but only one is left which is the one that she totally fell in love with from the pic!
Would it be wise to get this one kitten and once I find a Tabby thats available bring it in too, or would we be looking at kitty hell?
Not sure what'd be the best option as we both love cats to bits, would realy like to have 2 but its hard to find 2 together, locally, still available, as we couldn't take 2 out of an available 3 and leave one "unwanted"
We saw a litter of 4, thinking we could maybe decide between 2 of them, but only one is left which is the one that she totally fell in love with from the pic!
Would it be wise to get this one kitten and once I find a Tabby thats available bring it in too, or would we be looking at kitty hell?

Not sure what'd be the best option as we both love cats to bits, would realy like to have 2 but its hard to find 2 together, locally, still available, as we couldn't take 2 out of an available 3 and leave one "unwanted"
